What Easter means to a believer.
That the name Easter was really a pagan festival can not be disputed or looked over. Christianity. Glossing over fact do not make us committed Christians than we are ignorant. Claims examined should not make us feel uncomfortably. Those who are afraid of Apologetic regarding their christian faith are not ready to study to show themselves approved of God like the bible commends us. Fighting over whether Easter was a pagan festival is an unnecessary waste of time and a diversion from the sum and substance of Christianity which is RESURRECTION POWER. A little light will suffice on EASTER. The name comes from the Saxon word [Esotre] meaning a goddess of the place [this case of Saxon] At the same time of these sacrifices coincided the Jews festival of Passover which was only popular with the Jews who were in the minority at that time.It is no use denying it that at this said time this pagan festival was more popular than the Jews festival of 'Passover'. Because the Resurrection of C...