Jesus called Everlasting father in Isaiah 9:6. Is he the father?
Some Christians who have often ventured into the world of Evangelism, preaching the good news, otherwise called the gospel, might have been confronted with the titled question. This line of questioning often comes from those who have read the bible for exams purposes or on the recommendation of self branded prophet to read a particular book mostly, from the book of psalms. Jesus is not the father and the book of Isaiah is misunderstood by many. What happened here is called METATHESIS, meaning the transposition of two words. Understanding the bible requires us to explore what the bible says about Christ the son and God the father. And most importantly, what Jesus claims with the father. In the same bible the father is considered by Jesus as someone other than himself. He never claimed or made any ambiguous reference to the father. Jesus referred to the father more than 200 times in the bible! And over 40 times the distinction between the father and son is also ma...