
Showing posts from July 18, 2010


There is nothing absolutely wrong to dream of a goal we want to achieve under one month, year or even a decade. There is nothing wrong with inspirations, indeed, God said, 'occupy till i come'. Meaning keep yourself busy, innovative, improve and contribute to the world you are living. [Luke19:13] For me, i believe it is really a shame for any individual to leave the world without having contributed any thing in any wise. I earnestly believe that one of the first duty of man when he comes of age is to seek and inquire of the Lord the purpose of his being here on earth. When we fail to do this we stand the risk of being rudderless; drifting wherever circumstance and prevailing conditions takes us and that is dangerous and a blue print for failure. The bible says in the book of proverbs29:18, 'where there is no vision the people perish'. In the book of Genesis11 from verse one, we are confronted with a typical example of what looks right and wonderful, but before God, i...