
Showing posts from April 17, 2011

Downloading the power that raised Christ from the dead

The miracles, the wonders, the healing, the signs, the so called claims of being God, himself, were all put to test during the death of the Man called Jesus of Nazareth. Wherever he went he never failed to notice the sick and give healing. Mathew5:8,Luke4:38, restore sight to the blind Mathew9:27, deliverance to the demon possessed Mathew9:32.Miraculously turning water into wine John2:1-10,and even raising the dead. John11:43-44. All these were put to the test when he died. It is hard enough to do these miracles and wonders and even harder, for the performer to raised himself from the dead. It was the litmus test which heaven and earth awaited with eagerness and great anticipation. for failure to raise himself from the dead as he promised would have rendered all the former miracles, sings and wonders fake.John10:17-18, But when the time came after three days, the three that approved him in river Jordan[God the father, Christ himself and The Holy Ghost. see Mathew3:16-17 were also the...