I bring greetings to the young men becau s e it is you that God has given the mandate to carry vision. The bible says the old men shall dream dreams ,but young men has been given the most important task: which is to carry the vision. This is so because it is you that has been endowed with strength, energy, vigor and enthusiasm to carry on the heavenly task.[Joel2:28] I bring greetings to the women because it is your devotion and loyalty that makes praise to flow. And with that comes the presence God almighty into the Sanctuary: your position is so important for without HIS presence our gathering will be like any other gathering devoid of spiritual undertones. I bring greetings to the youth, because you own the future. A church without youth can not be certain of the future. Look around us today, in the vicinity of Europe we see many majestic buildings that once housed churches, but presently abandoned because the present generation do not want to follow after God like their fo...