LIFE BEGINS @ 50 FOR Pastor Victory DAWSON
An electrifying and awesome presence of God's is a desire all those who mentions the name of God wants to experience; It is gratifying to know that God does not make this difficult if we want to get his attention . Praises, they say, brings God's presence and I dare add worship, too, makes his voice to by heard , a class of prophecy common where there is worship. One reads in the bible how awesome it was when the majestic temple in Jerusalem, that was later destroy in AD70, brought down the presence of God. like I said, it is not rocket scientist when the people of God wants to brings God's presence down. when the atmosphere is right HE always comes. So when all roads, nooks and crannies led to the birthday bash organized by Pastor Victory Dawson, founder of MARANATHA UPPER ROOM OURTEACH in Canada and resident pastor of victory international ministry, Toronto branch, what an awesome presence we all felt. Pastors, laymen and men f...