No doubt , at one time or the other we have been in a situation that made us very anxious over the condition of health of some loved one. Few weeks ago, members of Covenant of grace family church experienced that. A beloved sister had to go in for some minor operation to remove some discomfort; boy! was the body full of anxiety? it is so much felt when the one involve will be leaving a space not easily filled.We all counted the weeks,the days and finally,the d day came. How did we sailed through? what keep us cool and collected at the very hour? How do you handled a situation where just have to wait and hope for the best, knowing, too , it could also turn out to be the worst? How do you pray when confronting a difficulty at the moment? In this regard, we drew our strength from stored up prayers. I believe prayers can be stored up to be used when it is needed most, like a conserved energy. I draw this conclusion from the prayers of Cornelius as written in the book of Acts of the ap...