For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty".[1timothy2:2, the bible] It happened so quickly before I could catch my breath; the scene was nothing , but goring, blood letting and lastly the ominous sound of bones as they break and the falling of another human life, never to rise again. one more gone, one more felled by the hands of many, but with no real one in charge of the execution without trial. they call it jungle justice, whose jungle? spare me that it is nothing ,but wickedness in the hands of a mob with varying motives: some want to indulge their delight in killing a human like themselves, without paying any price or being held accountable, some wants to get their pleasure from the cries of these men as they go down the painful way to their death, no one listening to their cries of innocence, yet other wants to see the dangling private parts, hitherto covered now being expose to all...