How do you make God to take back what he has said or pronounced? After all, he has told us what comes out of his mouth shall not return until it is to accomplish [life or death] .Isaiah55:11. There is only one way to move God to do or to renege what he has ordered.To do that you have to put a smile on his face and a nod of approval from his Holiness see Hebrews 11:6 God sent a man to go and tell a nation and all it inhabitant that their time was up except they repent. As if this was not enough, the prophet went there instead to pronounce judgment, telling them when the city will be overthrown. Jonah3:4-7. A man believe it is only Jesus who can bring solace to his aching heart concerning his dying servant, he went only to meet a stern rebuke, or so we think from Jesus .Mathew8:1-9. A prophet was sent to deliver the doomsday message to the house of Hezekiah that he, the head should put his household in order for his death was already sealed. Stepping over to NT we tak...