
Showing posts from January 6, 2013


Yearly predictions concerning our country has become a yearly affairs in Nigeria. The rise of this trend dates back the beginning of this decade, when many profess the ability to predict or to have predicted what later happened in the country. Do the gift of clairvoyance and it's attendant foretelling of what would happen, the good, the bad , the ugly and the evil comes from God? certainly yes, but not all  foretelling  comes from the almighty.  Men have develop a penchant to stand in awe of the miraculous, the unnatural and the display of magical and spiritual power that practitioners of this trade will go the extra mile just to provide the attention they crave and the approval of many professing them to be the servant of the most high[Acts8:9-18] the penchant, the paparazzi style,the publicity tends to showcase those who we think has a one way access to God. My point here is this: men have decided to tell us those who have the ability to do this. the ability to tell...