
Showing posts from September 1, 2019


Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: This is not the first time that youths in south Africa, especially a cross section of the them have decided to take up "clubs and cudgels", against other nationals  residing there.  But the rampant and wanton killings of  foreign nationals is gradually taking a new dimension: Started with pockets of protest then  fighting and schism, Lootings, then killings and now outright mayhem. The spate of bloodletting every now and then is becoming rampant and instantaneous. just at the beck and call of one disgruntled youth from one corner they can rise and let out another killing living behind cries of woes, plunging the foreign community into untold grief. What the world is witnessing in this centuries never stated here.  In    Genesis 26:18-22 We read    And Isaac digged again the well...