Recently, a good friend forwarded to me a litany, of complain or should i say beef that a gentle leveled against 'The Nigeria pastors'. I went through it all and sadly enough, the accusations does not hold any water, but just from a human point of under awareness of what the scriptures says about the work of the ministry. Here i shall carefully spell out the complain and address them in case you have entertained same or just to make you of knowledge and apologetic. I have since written a reply and forwarded it to all concerned, but never a word of acknowledgment have i received both from he who forwarded it to me or the originator. Firstly, he accuse the pastors of flying on jets planes instead of building factories. Well, that looks reasonable from a carnal point of view. In Nigeria we have over two denominations and some of these churches have as many as three hundred branches and the least of about 5 years has an average of one branch. Each of these branches have at least tw...