In honor, to all mothers and that includes mine; I want to highlight some of the wonderful peculiarities to all mothers that have kept most men and women close to their mothers through all these years.: the making of a child involves the father and mother, but the mothers, but the mother have the privilege of carrying the child before birth wherever she goes. It is the mother that can feed the child whatever she eats via the umbilical cord while still on the inside. The first voice and face that a baby recognize is that of her mother. The body heat that the baby needs is not really from her father, but from her mother. It is the mother who is the first teacher that helps as the baby takes her first step, tottering towards her. Some fathers still dares to disown a child, but can a mother dare that? It is the mother that molds the character of a child while the father plays the role no matter what you might have against her; she is still your mother; through her you found your way ...