No doubt , at one time or the other we have been in a situation that made us very anxious over the condition of health of some loved one.
Few weeks ago, members of Covenant of grace family church experienced that. A beloved sister had to go in for some minor operation to remove some discomfort; boy! was the body full of anxiety? it is so much felt when the one involve will be leaving a space not easily filled.We all counted the weeks,the days and finally,the d day came. How did we sailed through? what keep us cool and collected at the very hour? How do you handled a situation where just have to wait and hope for the best, knowing, too , it could also turn out to be the worst? How do you pray when confronting a difficulty at the moment?
In this regard, we drew our strength from stored up prayers. I believe prayers can be stored up to be used when it is needed most, like a conserved energy. I draw this conclusion from the prayers of Cornelius as written in the book of Acts of the apostles. An Angel reported that his arms and prayers has come as a memorial before God.This is particularly true for the person, but others can back up in prayers remembering, the book of Philippians4:6[new king James version]this is one way to keep the peace of God in our hearts and remain focus on the job of showing loved and care for the sick without loosing it.
If we are cast down, and disoriented over something, do we hide it rather,than solicit the prayers of brethren? Do you remember the famous song, 'lean on me'? I bet you do.No one is a super human; these things happen to us at one time or the other, as we travel the road of life. The need of a prayer partner and one who can agree with you is indispensable. We all feel scared sometimes,we all feel confuse too,and even doubt our faith , but prayers will go a long way to keep us keeping on. At last when it is all over we just asked ourselves, now, how was i able to go through that without loosing it? Prayers, beloved, PRAYERS AND LOVE. Our confession at that low point equally matters. Do we see it as the end of the road for us or that God will bring out His glory from all these? Do we believe that God in His infinite power can recompose the decompose?
'e will go get me a prayer partner', not waiting for it to happen first.Prevention, they say, is better than cure'
Cure for anxiety?? PLAY IT DOWN AND PRAY IT UP.
Welcome back to the fold, big sister!


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