Recently, a good friend forwarded to me a litany, of complain or should i say beef that a gentle leveled against 'The Nigeria pastors'.
I went through it all and sadly enough, the accusations does not hold any water, but just from a human point of under awareness of what the scriptures says about the work of the ministry.
Here i shall carefully spell out the complain and address them in case you have entertained same or just to make you of knowledge and apologetic. I have since written a reply and forwarded it to all concerned, but never a word of acknowledgment have i received both from he who forwarded it to me or the originator.
Firstly, he accuse the pastors of flying on jets planes instead of building factories.
Well, that looks reasonable from a carnal point of view. In Nigeria we have over two denominations and some of these churches have as many as three hundred branches and the least of about 5 years has an average of one branch. Each of these branches have at least two pastors: the head pastor and the assistant. All of these men get stipends from the churches apart from doing other vocational work. and when any one finds himself on the job market, the church takes responsibility of caring for their basic needs.Again more than 500 pastors are in full time ministries, too. I think that reduce the joblessness that will have been in the labor market. More than five hundred of these denomination have educational centers and facilities, they employ teachers and other staff like drivers,nurses,coaches and security guards! To expect them to via into the creation of job and employment is like having them deviate from their calling and supreme task.
Moreover, since when has any religious organization been saddled with building of industry for the populace to earn their livelihood?
The jet planes you talked about is highly exaggerated; among the five thousands denominations only three actually have jet planes. Do you call that wallowing in luxurious life style? One can easily admit that in any given profession, talent or calling those who succeeds most deserved some degree of their success. Jesus, our master, said that a laborer is worthy of his wages. These men have succeeded even more their counterparts in America.
You also said that these pastors abroad only can boast of their Nigeria men and women attending their churches. yes indeed, when you live in another country you must flock close to your people for it helps a lot emotionally and otherwise. Even Moses in the bible stayed close to his people despite being raised in the palace. It is your own people that will give you the necessary push that will eventually show the world your gifts and talents before others who never knew you from Adam. Your point was that they find it difficult to convert the natives because they think they are dupes and liars; refugees telling them about God. That is not true Sunday Adelaja is a Nigerian pastor based in the Ukraine and his ministry boast of many national and his is reputed to have the largest immigrant church in the whole of Europe.


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