The miracles, the wonders, the healing, the signs, the so called claims of being God, himself, were all put to test during the death of the Man called Jesus of Nazareth. Wherever he went he never failed to notice the sick and give healing. Mathew5:8,Luke4:38, restore sight to the blind Mathew9:27, deliverance to the demon possessed Mathew9:32.Miraculously turning water into wine John2:1-10,and even raising the dead. John11:43-44. All these were put to the test when he died. It is hard enough to do these miracles and wonders and even harder, for the performer to raised himself from the dead. It was the litmus test which heaven and earth awaited with eagerness and great anticipation. for failure to raise himself from the dead as he promised would have rendered all the former miracles, sings and wonders fake.John10:17-18,
But when the time came after three days, the three that approved him in river Jordan[God the father, Christ himself and The Holy Ghost. see Mathew3:16-17 were also there to raised him from the dead. Notice the following:
God the father psalm16:10,Acts2:24
The Holy Ghostt 1peter 3:18
Christ himself jiohn2:19,10:18.
That same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to the Christian today to do the following for you,the believer:
Grant you access to become the sons of God John1:12. there is a difference between a servant and a son of the household. the son has access to all that is in the house, but not the servant. the father of the prodigal son speaking to the first son, said 'all that i have is for you'.As sons we have right to enjoy all the spiritual benefit in the household of faith.
Grant you your first miracle, the forgiveness of sins without which you can not come into the fulness of other blessings psalms32:1.God can never compromise with sin so before you can come into any blessing, the first thing, is He cleanses you from all sins and trespasses with the blood of his son. Mathew26:28 that is your first benefit as a believer the bible even say you are blessed if you experienced this.psalm32:1
Separate you from the sins of your father's household such as curses and untimely deaths 1peter2:9-10. many members of paternal and maternal lineage are under a curse because of one thing done by their fore fathers but those who have accepted the Lord will have this curse repealed from their life.see an example of a household curse in 2samuel3:29.
Grant you power to witness for him Luke24:49.testifying for Christ for what he has done for you becomes all the more easy with the power granted you otherwise your days are deliberately filled by the enemy to always fight, complain strife so that you do not have time to tell other about what God has done for you; you become part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. You have no longer evidence of the Christ in your life. all your neighbor hears from your house is the screaming, the quarrels and the make ups, the bickering, the shouting matches
Grant you the authority of a king ecclesiastics8:4. Kings have domains and have power to decree in tier domain. evil can not come near your domain. so called principalities and powers can not come near you if you unleash your power. Demons will flee, witches will confess and every band of wickedness will loose their grip and their holds in lives and properties.
Grant you the power to decree a thing Job22:28.
Grant you power to bind and to loose: Mathew18:18-20. As sons of God,john1:12 the heavens is at your beck and call, waiting to carry out your desires upon the earth.