I bring greetings to the young men because it is you that God has given the mandate to carry vision. The bible says the old men shall dream dreams ,but young men has been given the most important task: which is to carry the vision. This is so because it is you that has been endowed with strength, energy, vigor and enthusiasm to carry on the heavenly task.[Joel2:28]

I bring greetings to the women because it is your devotion and loyalty that makes praise to flow. And with that comes the presence God almighty into the Sanctuary: your position is so important for without HIS presence our gathering will be like any other gathering devoid of spiritual undertones.
I bring greetings to the youth, because you own the future. A church without youth can not be certain of the future. Look around us today, in the vicinity of Europe we see many majestic buildings that once housed churches, but presently abandoned because the present generation do not want to follow after God like their forefather[Spirit of last days] Many are now shopping malls and cinemas.

I bring greetings to the children for they do not need to' be repaired' like those who were converted in their old age, who have to struggle with many besetting sins and experience many falling and rising. some even fall to rise no more except by the grace of God and brethren to encourage. All these children need is training in the way they should go and they will become like arrows in our hands. Amen in Jesus name!
Today, i bless God for the Spirit that i sense in the atmosphere. it is the Spirit of God to liberate, deliver, encourage and to empower. And may it not pass you by today in the name of Jesus. Amen. I want to thank the church administration for the good job being done here they all testify of your dedication, prayer and devotion to the things of God and the kingdom task. I equally, want to celebrate with the women who are rounding up their seminar today. The good lord gave me messages for the husbands,the wives and the singles in the body.
Therefore, i will go to the message before my preaching to you. That i may be free and have a good conscience.
Now for the men: Proverbs 31. was written by a man like you it is never a yardstick for you, husbands, to either measure how well she is doing, thereafter, castigate and scowled your wives if you think she is not business oriented or performing what is attributed to the virtuous woman.
There is good in every woman and what ever you see is lacking you can do well by way of encouragement in that area and her and acknowledge her where she is proficient. The virtuous woman is not a perfect woman neither is any wife or husband.The best way you tio get the best out of any one is to give praise and encouragement not criticize. Play down the short comings and highlight the positive. Another area the Lord wants me to talk about today, is the area of LISTENING. Many wives are in pain because their husbands are not listening to their cries and yearnings. Elkana, the father of Prophet Samuel was a listening husband. He saw the countenance of his second wife was down and took time to encourage her. 1 samuel1:1-8. women wants you to understand them not every thing they like to put into words they respond to care and attention rather than, more than anything else.

Abraham had a wife who called him Lord, but this same wife wanted a child she has encourage him to father out of her house!. Abraham did not call her all sorts of names and make her feel like the worst of bitches. He listened to her.Listen! listen!! listen!!!. Their yearnings may sound idiotic, but have insight into her words. I know a woman who wanted just to have a bank account with her name only, not joint account. she tried to explain her reasons, but the man will not listen and called her names. if you will not listen you shut her emotion within her. If her request will make her happy why not allow her to have it?[Gen.21:10]

There are qualities all must possess as christian such as enumerated in the book of Galatians chapter 5. Love for all humans and pray for our enemies. There are also qualities expected of women .In the episltes of peter, he specifically called this ' a quiet spirit'. See 1 peter 3:4. if you allow God he will fight for you. and change your husband. your raving will only make matter worse and he will regard you as unbearable. The bible says it is better to live in the desert than with such a woman. He can put a 'spin' in this passage and stay out most of the time [proverbs21:19]
If the women learn to be quiet, relying on God's words, then God can fight for them [exodus14:14]
A quiet spirit is necessary to have a wonderful home. A quiet spirit is conducive for success in any task at home. The spirit of God can easily be accessed when the home is quiet and filled with serenity. A woman with this kind of spirit can change a man faster than the barrage of an angry and an aggrieved one. A home where peace and tranquility reigns is not by accident but determination especially on the part of a wive.I often say, the a wife is like a thermostat, used, to regulate the temperature . Please, do not make it hot for yourself, your husband and offspring. When you have such a home, there is no plan that can not progress or come to fruition; there is no vocation that can not be realized. This kind of abode is also what Men of God man of God, desires in their homes.

To the singles, God says HE knows your anxiety. You are thinking of time , But he is thinking of what is best for you. He has not forgotten you. Daughter of Zion, stop running from pillar to stop. Concentrate on being happy in the Lord and keep working in the house of your father. It is your quality that will attract your spouse to you.
Deacon Stephen was chosen because he possess a fine quality unlike others. It was this quality that made him different from the rest Deacons. Your quality will go before you to inform your partner that you are there. There is a fine and attractive quality about every genuine church worker, it is like a beautiful aroma about them. When you visualize the person of the virtuous woman in proverbs 31, do you see her as too plain in appearance or beautiful? Am sure your answer is the latter.
That is the message from God to the three groups. Thank you and God bless.
Date was 23 October 2011


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