Yearly predictions concerning our country has become a yearly affairs in Nigeria. The rise of this trend dates back the beginning of this decade, when many profess the ability to predict or to have predicted what later happened in the country. Do the gift of clairvoyance and it's attendant foretelling of what would happen, the good, the bad , the ugly and the evil comes from God? certainly yes, but not all  foretelling  comes from the almighty.  Men have develop a penchant to stand in awe of the miraculous, the unnatural and the display of magical and spiritual power that practitioners of this trade will go the extra mile just to provide the attention they crave and the approval of many professing them to be the servant of the most high[Acts8:9-18] the penchant, the paparazzi style,the publicity tends to showcase those who we think has a one way access to God.
My point here is this: men have decided to tell us those who have the ability to do this. the ability to tell us who will die, who will live and the political party that will sweep the polls. the criteria for picking this men of God is what i do not agree with.
 For one, the God i know can use any body whom he so chooses to tell us what he wants us to know as a nation he loved. He has so many servants. for example, the bible tells us how Saul was prayed for by one disciple whom was never mentioned till that time and after that time we never heard about him again.[Acts9:10]  God,in his infinite wisdom, can use any body to predict or do any thing and next time he may decide to use another, but the people whom do not even know the ways of this God has arrogated to themselves the power to select those whom God will use to predict the future.Howbeit, some are the followers of these men
What should be made conspicuous to all is  God only reveals what he wills to man and Man, in his limitation has no access to know the things God has decided to keep in his secret file. [Deutoronomy29:29]
How many men of God predicted the death of the founding father of pentecostal movement in Nigeria, Archbishop Benson Idahosa? After he died who was able to appeal to God to resurrect him? who amongst them predicted the death of our late president, whom President Good luck Jonathan succeeded? who foresaw the meteoric rise of president Jonathan? Who predicted the rise of the so called Boko Haram group? We are are all witness to their wanton destruction of  lives and properties both private and public and the senseless and callous killings of parishioners during church service in  northern states of the country!
Here is the truth, somebody somewhere saw all these things in visions or dreams, revelation or apparition and spoke about them, but only on the platform available to him: whether pulpit or some other way. the press may not known this one because they do not struts the corridors of power or  have access to the high and mighty in the land. God often operate this way, using the unknown and the small.He once decided to use Go a relatively unknown disciple, called Ananias, to open the eyes of Saul [ Paul]. God is still in the business of using the relatively unknown amongst us to say things. These humble 'vessel '  as i would designate them, may not have the means to don  a three piece super180s suit, he may not have heard of Savile Row  or always deck out in Agbada, he may not even have the means to purchase a pastoral  neck collar.
God can not be cowed or compelled  and place in a spot in order to do what we bids HIM or see what we want him to see. Men.'s yardstick in rating success is  totally different from how God  rates his servants.[Isaiah55:8] that the almighty  use one to predict a national crisis this year is no guarantee he will use the same next year even though, all the press may flock to this man based of his [past and accurate] predictions.
Here we are, 2013, and the predictions are already flying around, some in good taste others not so palatable to the ears. With the press, heralding, those whom they think has the nod of God to speak on HIS behalf .  No one will look beyond the celebrities, the wealthy and the general overseer of the largest churches.Generally, these ones are beamed via satellite television. Lately, they have even told us  who amongst them are the richest.Man made money God has no hand in that one.
It is from these lots,  with money they guess, God will always use to tell us    about the future of the nation. The truth is that God does not see as men sees[1samuel16:7]. How men rates and measure other is totally different from how God rate and measure others.what men think God is looking at is not what he is looking. How unsearchable are the ways of God, indeed, his ways are not our ways! God will not answer your prayers because you are very popular or have the biggest ministry or cathedral in the country just like he does not answer the other man's prayer because he can not afford a microphone. The same God whom answer the prayers of that man in the  highbrows of new new york  is also the same God who inclines his ears to listen to the remotest village pastor with the oversize and worn out looking suit.How difficult it is  for a canal men to understand God's ways.They may dabble into it , but only to wallow in ignorance. God will judge us based on our obedience not how busy we think we are or how many branches we are able to establish in a year.There was this story i heard of a pastor who was so busy jetting around the globe, being book all round the year, but his daughter was put in the family way! What he was teaching large audiences numbering in the thousands in amphitheater was lacking in his own daughter, his primary responsibility.When a man of God thought he was the only one doing the will of God God told him he has kept aside quite a large number God can always do those things even without any one going from one country to the other. The reason for Paul missionary journeys was for the Gospel[good news] to spread and have a foot hold in the region.
Peter had to confess that God is no respecter of any persons, but whom does God respects? Find out that yourself in the book of act of the apostles in the new testament[Acts10:34]


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