LIFE BEGINS @ 50 FOR Pastor Victory DAWSON

An electrifying and awesome presence of God's is a desire all those who mentions the name of God wants to experience; It is gratifying to know that God does not make this difficult if we want to get his attention . Praises, they say, brings God's presence and I dare add worship, too,  makes his voice to by heard  , a class of prophecy common where there is worship. One reads in the bible how awesome it was when the majestic temple in Jerusalem, that was later destroy in AD70, brought down the presence of God. like I said, it is not rocket scientist when the people of God wants to brings God's presence down. when the atmosphere is right HE always comes. So when all roads, nooks and crannies  led to the birthday bash organized by Pastor Victory Dawson, founder of MARANATHA UPPER ROOM OURTEACH in Canada and resident pastor of victory international ministry, Toronto branch, what an awesome presence we all felt. Pastors, laymen and men from different works of life had a meeting point there that day. My flying from Amsterdam to Toronto for the occasion was worth it and I could not have missed it for anything else.
The joyful occasion, the praises, the kid doing their stuff, kingdom dance, meeting pastors and even visitor from Nigeria . The different menu served, all these and more, made me wonder if Christians could do this and  experience such a move and excitement how Heaven would be. there and then I once again prayed, thanking  God for our salvation knowing that more and glorious celebrations will be what we shall daily experience in heaven.
the celebrant first in to welcome guest in an cream colored flowing gown with beautiful decoration. later, she was decked in a green native attire with African beads hanging down her neck. it was a sight to see. The crown of it all was the last attire that had all of us going WOW! In all  three she was dressed up to the nines, but all seated at the tables had their choices, as you hear different voices on the various tables , especially the women chattering about the attire they loved best.  What really got the attention of all and repeatedly emphasized by the master of ceremony[MC] was the surprising youthfulness of the celebrant. no one could guess she was 50! her skin glowed, her face pink like a baby's and her eyes sparkle with life. But all to the glory of God what a remembrance of Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Then while still in a relieving this whole scenario how on earth somebody celebrating could look 35 then I remembered the words of the lord Psalms 84:7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeared before God.


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