I grew up in an household where you are allowed to explore and pursue, work out your salvation, the way you think is the best way, for there are many ways today, caliaming to be the way to God, but when the chips are down their claims falls to the ground, lifeless, like ‘the baal and ashtoreth” of biblical days. I had a sample of other major religioins wanting to know the ‘F’aith,’ that offers a comforting meassage of a life of hereafter. And thier core belief and work of faith. I also want to relate the sufferings of humaniy today, the injustice and oppression, and compared them to the explanations and reasons such religion represents. I had to have an open mind to do this and my fear was more about ‘what lies ahead after death. I needed a serious explanations and a convincing one at that- not persuasion that does not appeal to my spirituality. I find out that the similarities in all of them was morality and none of them encourage oppression nor taking of life; one says it all; ...