Recently, the general oversea and founder of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, marked his 70th birthday. Alot of feeding and other event, but the social media was agog with one thing; the gift of Rolls-Royce car to this man of God who has an outstanding record in Evangelism in  Nigeria regarding establishing ministries in every nook and crannies of Nigeria, and extending to other African countries. The social media trend of this expensive car gift was enough to derail many young believers from their faith, and many started asking questions and wanting correct answers. When you hear from one corner, the praise of this man and what he has done in Evangelism, Education and Business, and in the other hands you hear many saying worldliness is what many church leaders of today, are known for, that the gift of two expensive cars is till now, unheard of in advance economy, let alone a country like Nigeria with 70 percent of the population wallow in poverty and living from hand to mouth. Yet, truth be said, these pastors that have done so well in their calling are not the ones to fix, our roads, build hospitals and medical centres; the politicians are responsible for that tasks. And guess what these pastors have done the above and even more, some have even built police stations and handed them over to the police forces. They would do more road construction had the government not dissuaded them , maybe out of embarrassment. In all these events, we must care about the impact it is having on the baby Christians, the barrage of question many would be thrown at in their places of work and the laughter from corners. Unfortunately, many are not equipped to be able to answer to these probing questions. To answers these questions of why two expensive cars was given to a man who lives in a country where poverty stares us in the face, we must turn to the bible. All answers are there if only you look closely and allow yourself to study and inculcate what you have read.Matthew 11:17-19 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.In the above passage, we see what the saviour makes of those who are yet to receive the message of salvation. You can not please them therefore, whatever takes we get on social media concerning the church, or leaders of the church, we should take solace, for we can not please the world that is outside christ. If you go right, many will say why did he not go left and if you go left. many we question why you avoided right? If our lord face criticism during his time, what makes you think any man of God will be different today. Over this gift and the social media outcry, Pastor Adeboye, of the Redeemd Christian Church said, 'if you die poor they will say after sewrving God he died poor and if you are rich they will still talk'. Conclusion? social media will always have its way , but we mulst always examine our ways trhough the lens of the world of God. That is answer number one. Number two, seePsalms 119:105, NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. The word implies here is that the word of God is like a light or candle that shines a light to us in the dark so that we do not fall or run into an obstacle on the way.It guides us on our way to a destination. A church that is addicted to word is a church that attract the leading of the spirit in all things. And where does guidance comes in doing all things? Now, when we are close to the word of God, and absorbs its into our spirit man, we automatically make way to be fill with the Holy spirit which is the christian guide in all things he/she does. See Psalms 119:11, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. As we imbibe the word of God, so too,are we being filled with the power of the Holy spirit to led us. see Romans 8:14, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Therefore, whether you give or withhold,you ought to be lead by the Spirit. No man has a right to condemn those who give or do not because we do not know if they were lead to give in a particular issue. The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay. Success in everything has the same formuler, the same road and obstacles; whether in Ministry or business. Hardwork and focus. And success in any areas always attract admirerds and people sing your praise. Therefore, it is not different with Bishop David Oyedepo, nevertheless, God does not see success the way the peole of the wolrd sees it. That is a subject for another day



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