Instruments of righteouness and distractions.
One of the issue you have no power over when preaching the good news is the campaign of defamation that the enemy unleashes against you. Many will say how much sin you have reveled in and point out the fact that they have always known you and even yesterday, you committed another atrocity,which is your stock in trade, but to their consternation today, just today, you are professing to have received Christ and claiming to be a 'born again'.Such stuff and nonsense that is least expected from somebody like you.[see acts of the apostles:9:21]
Yet, others are witnesses to the power of God to changed life[2corinthias5:17 and have heard of how God has become so real in your life and how you go about converting others to Him but, just would not like to admit the hand of God in all of this but,would rather remember your yesterday and wasted years 'this boy of yesterday? wonders shall not end'. He grew up in my hands yesterday and now see how big he has grown'. These class will never want to call you Deacon, evangelist, pastor or whatever the name is that is attach to your office. They only see where you are coming from: the humble beginnings and the childishness you once displayed.[Mathew13:55-56]
The bible says a man's enemy shall be from his household.there are those in the fold whom will not buy your ways of preaching ,your views in some areas and some just out of plain envy, will not see what the lord has been doing through you , especially when your works seems to be bringing lost souls into the kingdom than their own carnal efforts and inventions they adopt to help the Holy spirit.
Yet, others are witnesses to the power of God to changed life[2corinthias5:17 and have heard of how God has become so real in your life and how you go about converting others to Him but, just would not like to admit the hand of God in all of this but,would rather remember your yesterday and wasted years 'this boy of yesterday? wonders shall not end'. He grew up in my hands yesterday and now see how big he has grown'. These class will never want to call you Deacon, evangelist, pastor or whatever the name is that is attach to your office. They only see where you are coming from: the humble beginnings and the childishness you once displayed.[Mathew13:55-56]
The bible says a man's enemy shall be from his household.there are those in the fold whom will not buy your ways of preaching ,your views in some areas and some just out of plain envy, will not see what the lord has been doing through you , especially when your works seems to be bringing lost souls into the kingdom than their own carnal efforts and inventions they adopt to help the Holy spirit.