I would like to submit that dedication means different things depending on what occasion it is used.i am zeroing on child dedication because that is what is slated for the 13Th of December. because i do not want any one to be part and parcel of what he can not explain or give reason for the event,this has prompted this article.
Dedication in religious circle means things, buildings objects and even Men being set part for God.For with dedication comes holiness because nothing can be said to be holy without dedication to God to be used of him. Candles, vessels are called holy because they are for the use in the service of God.Exodus40:9-10,1kings8:22-53.
God do not compel any one to dedicate his child to him, but it is being done on your own volition and personal conviction and faith. We are free morals agent and still have the power to choose what we do with our lives.
Hannah, the mother of the little boy ,Samuel, voluntarily gave his only son to God because she had vowed earlier, to give him back to God.
God honors personal dedication that comes from individual or children that have come to the age of accountability. this was exactly what Hannah did in 1Samuel1:1-28. Dedication is giving your life to God to be use for his service or to do His will as long as you live see the book of Romans12:1
Dedication is giving your life, child 's life to a higher being for what you think he has done for you, it is also giving back to this being because of earlier covenant made by you or your fore parent to a deity in granting an request you made before them.May i digress a little here; in the old testament,a lot of sacrifices were done and a lot of Animals were slain, but these sacrifices were only pointing to the perfect sacrifices that God, himself, has provided to meet the remissions for sins instead of the coverage which the blood of animals did. this sacrifice was perfected on the cross when he died a shameful death and hung between common criminals. therefore, it is wrong for anyone to tell you about a sacrifice necessary for your favor,open doors,breakthrough or promotion in life. God, having made for himself a sacrifice, will not accept any other sacrifice no matter, the slaughter of herds that may be involved.
In the new testament, Paul enjoins us to present our bodies [not Animals]as living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God. it is when this is done that we become vessels which HE uses as HE pleases.
But child dedication per say, is the spiritual giving of your baby to God for protection and possession.
Men are known to have dedicated their children or wards to idols this is one open door for demonic possessive of an individual.If you are a victim you need to go through a simply deliverance from a minister of the gospel.
A child dedicated to God shall have a smooth run in life; not that temptation shall not come, but that even as he works through the valley and shadows of death, God will always be with him. let us remember that it is whom we give our life that we eventually become servants.
The blessings in child dedication can not be over emphasis because it is the best spiritual foundation that parents can give their children.
The Holy spirit starts to dwell in the child from the onset.
The seal of the spirit prevents the enemy from touching him.
The Holy spirit makes him of quick understanding.
He is separated from the influence of ancestral spirits from maternal or paternal family.
The parents thus have a 'legal right' to talk to God about the child because they have presented the child to God already. Many children who were prodigals have been known to have found their way back because of the unrelenting prayers and reminders to God that their kid was dedicated to Him alone.
Let us not also forget that dedication is equally a time of transference of blessings just like Jesus did when children were brought to him. He did not pray for them rather, He blessed them.Mark10:13-16