The iniation of redemption in the Garden of Eden

The birth of Christ was the initiation of God's plan that will ultimately led to his death which will bring about Man's redemption via his death[Christ] thus, Christmas shows us how much God,the father, loves us.
'let us make man in our own image'. they say to all things have a purpose here, we see the purpose of creation man was based on love hence, he was created in HI image and likeness.
God's fellow shipping with man in the evening shows love and companionship.
giving Man dominion over all other creatures shows delegation of authority.
God's tripartite blessings of multiplication,fruitfulness and replenishment as stated in genesis 1:28 shows divine approval.
God commanded Adam to eat all in the garden shows freedom in the mist of abundance.
Asking Man to dress the garden shows that Man is to exploit the talents,and innate gift deposited in Man, his imagination and conceptual powers for the betterment of the world he lives in: Man was to enjoy work with all pleasure and not labor under a curse.
Man's fall was not a shock to God's omniscience and thus HE went ahead to make a provision of redemption right there and then[ via the seed of the woman's; for the savior will come not through the will of any man through carnal knowledge of a man and a woman,that is why the seed is called the 'seed of the woman' for no woman carries a seed, but a man. this was an exceptional case that shows the divine nature of Jesus our lord.
The provision of God's own son was a just counter weight the Devil gave Adam ,but this counter weight was severe, it twas his head that was bruised.
God in His rigorousness could not fellowship with a fallen man till another Adam was made to pay the price.
based on the above,God could not fellowship with man as before till a secondary solution was found in the slaying of bulls via the priests appointed [the house of Levi] even then, the priest had to be very careful not to pass away with the slain was so till the perfect timing of God came to pass and Jesus Christ, his son was made into flesh and blood, dwelt amongst us and was tempted in every way like Adam. He passed the test without one sin and thus qualified to be the perfect and ultimate final sacrifice.
As the forerunner saw him, John the baptist, he proclaimed to the whole world"This is the lamp of God that takes away the sins of the world'.
Despite the pomp associated with Christmas His death in Easter is much more important
for death to occur, there must first be birth. This is where Christmas came in.


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