The undoing of many Christians last year,2009, was their determination to achieve, using their personal might and power,but when we got saved it was an exchanged that took place: all forgone that Christ may become all. when Grace is removed from our language, the result will become SWEAT and labor under a curse to get what you desire. I dare say, that for the last decade, our pews were littered with men of little faith who, trusted in their power,might ability skills and connections; I agree that it is the pulpit that makes the man[But will you know o man that God what the center stage and not until you make Him your all He will cause you to see HIS glory in your life?. Laying all at HIS feet is the best way to get all. for life struggles is not won with determination or skills. when trouble knocks at your door it does not respect who you know or your pedigree.
This is the beginning of a new year and a new decade. it is where you place HIM, God he will operate from in your life.In this new dedicate those who discover where they have missed this important aspect shall recover what they missed. for God is still in the business of restoration and recovery.
Today, the first thing we need know as we enter this new year and to navigate successfully, is to make Jesus our way. How? in the book of John14:6,we are reminded by Jesus,our lord, that HE IS THE WAY...knowing the way easily takes us to our destination[far or near].
Knowing the way makes our journey easier unlike those groping in darkness.
Knowing the way gives us confidence that soon our destination shall be within reach.
Knowing the way brings solution to our quests and queries in life; the bible says the Star took the three wise men to the place where the baby Jesus lay in a manger.
A good direction goes ahead of you not behind you therefore, when we put Dejesus ahead of us He will take us to our destination no matter how far or how near.
With Jesus connection you are just cool, collected and compose all the way; you shall talk with confidence with your enemies,speak boldly with your detractors and stand your ground in the mist of your antagonist.
In the old testament, the ARK goes ahead of the people for it shows the presence of God with them in the mist of battles NUMBERS10:33, but today Jesus has replaced the that and calls himself the WAY.
Another thing needful in the year 2010 is in the book of Isaiah 33:6a. wisdom as stability in our times. the most difficult of relationships is that of man to man. ever since the first murderer killed his only brother only to ask God questions it has remained the same;hatred,jealousy cruelty some even loved animals that humans made in God's own image! confronted with this realities you need wisdom to pull along with wisdom you can manage the worst in humans and get the best out of your enemy. Remember how King Solomon was Abe to harnessed the best in the people and built one of the wealthiest kingdoms in his days.I tell you, now is the time to get Wisdom and understanding.Lack of wisdom and understanding could cause your death before your time.
the third thing needful in 2010 is the the WORD of God. the time of jumping from pillar to post is looking for prophets is past. those who will make their bible companion and see it as God's voice shall be ahead of others.the Word of God is spirit and life see John6:63.
The word of God is the sword of the Spirit which is used to do battle with the Archenemy. see Ephesians6:17,Revelation12:11
The Word of God can serve in a dual capacity:
to remind God concerning His promises see Jeremiah1;12.
Secondly to remove obstacles from our ways Jeremiah23:29,Isaiah55:11.
Have a victorious year.


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