Am double sure anyone in my shoes will feel elated to be going back to home for a visit after such a long absence. How time flies! Despite the volatile political situation over there, i have made up my mind to make it a time to reminisce about after it is long over.
My first task was to sit down and garner information from friends that just came back,news papers clippings,and telephone conversations with loved ones over there. Then, i quietly sat down to do my home work: Climate very hot[as i would expect]i packed a handful of tee shirt,Need a hundred Naira note to get a trolley [No kidding, thought those were airport property like here]if you do not have that you may be paying more for it and with hard currency. They have a knack of knowing you have just flown in:remove the tags from your luggage's. If you have a friend or relation let he come pick you up otherwise the taxi driver will skin you for more than you should pay for a fare. Just disembarked from the flight? look for a bottle of Eva water, courtesy of coca cola.Any attempt to try other brand could land you in to serious stomach trouble.
Gifts to all friends, relatives and well wishers must be arranged: you can not escaped that because this is your first home coming, you can not tell them stories of how difficult it is over there, too. Thank God for the portability of cell phones and wrist watches [ heard all will appreciate a mobile phone than a pair of jeans or wrappers.
Accommodation? not on your life not even if you have a house you can call your own the reason is that the risk is too big. they now come in large numbers of tens and twenties. so you do not stand a chance with your nightwatchman and one hell of a police dog. heard when these robbers come they mean business so one had better put up in an hotel.You have daylight to survey your house and if you still miss your master bedroom then sleep there during day light.
Is this fear necessary or just plain situation report? Well am not ready to play James bond now so i think i should heed what they say, besides, first hand witnessing will determine what i shall do the next time i come.
Been seeing you in part two.
sit tight.


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