RELATIONSHIP!from the onset God the father, desires a relationship with man even after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.There and then in the Garden of Eden, he made provision for man's redemption which was to come in the future.[The seed of the woman]
Invitations are given in the books of Isaiah and Mathew respectively.The prophet Isaiah cried out with a holy passion,'come now, and let us reason together,saith the lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool'. And Mathew echoed,'come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest'.
God only starts blessings after a relationship has been established through his son, Jesus Christ.Many a time we hear men say, there is nothing you need that God can not give you because HE loves you'. True, God loves us, but without having a relationship with God via his son [Jesus Christ] there is no way he can be moved to bless you. Jesus puts it well in the book of john14:6,'Jesus said unto him,i am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the father, but by me'.
Again Jesus said in Luke11:5,'which of you shall have a FRIEND..not a stranger. That shows there is a relationship before the man dares to go and knock at another's door in the middle of the night! There is prosperity in the lord, but for those who comes through the proper channel provided by the benefactor. Let us not forget the reason the man was cast into outer darkness in the book of mathew22:1-13 was not because he fought!, but because he had no wedding garment. God accepts us through his beloved son. Relationship with his son. No wonder we are told to put on Jesus as if it was a garment, but yes indeed, it a garment that protects us from the wrath to come on the children of disobedience, on the ungodly and on the scorner of the gospel they hear from the television, radio,tracts and megaphones and mounted. speakers. See Romans13:14]
The good thing about it all is that having a relationship with the father is the simplest thing on earth.This is so for God himself is waiting for you to come to him because he has already lay the necessary foundation for your home coming. Like the father of the prodigal son, he is saw him afar off because he was looking and hoping that one day he will come back.
Admit that you are a sinner like every body[Roman3:23] do not remember the good you have been known for or the foundation you established that feeds the poor and still does; the sin that condemn us is the inherited sin, that Adamic nature, for we are all born as sinners.
Accepts God's offer:'for God so loved the world that he gave his begotten son that whosoever believes on him shall not die, but have everlasting life'.[John3:16]
yield:submit to God for victorious living in Him and to overcome the sinful natureJames4:7,Romans6:13
RENEW YOUR MIND:do this with daily reading of the word of God in order to know the will of God in your life. Romas12:1-2


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