It is sheer hypocrisy to laugh when others falls or makes a big mistake that has the potential to bring to a halt a budding political career or bring down a growing ministry. We hear it every day, yet, people still go ahead to make the same mistake having just witnessed how it affected the other man. I have said it before and will say it again, it is not the sin that matters, but your inability to confess it before God. For there is no sin that has no cleansing in the blood of Jesus, our lord and savior.Not learning from other mistakes is the result of the "Ada mic" nature we have.[The inherited nature from our forefather, Adam. It is like a gene.
2samuel16:5-14. as a result of King David's adulterous sin and murder he opened the flood gate of trouble into his household. When a man who is suppose to be the head of his household wallow in sin there will be trouble in his household. We make the Devil to question God's protection and continued loving kindness over us. Sin can results in lack of progress 'those who covers their sin shall not prosper'[proverbs28:13].Sin can make God withdraw his help and answers to your petitions[Isaiah59:1] and sin can bring about untimely death. Indeed, we are urge through the good book, the Bible, to flee every appearance of evil.[1Thesselonians5:22]
It was as a result of David's sin, that a Man not fit to be the king's butler, came on the king's face and cursed him in the presence of his Hench men and lied against him.When you break the hedge and thus fall out of grace, false accusations shall rise against you and many saying things that could hurt you to the bones and shake your faith to the foundation. Sin can open the gate of hell, bringing with it shame, disgrace,failure, reproach and sickness without prognosis or diagnosis. Sin can make those you feed daily to spite on your face and insult you in the market square, daring you to do your worst like Shimei dared the king.
The first thing to do when we fall into sin is to go to God in prayers of confession and seek his face without allowing small distractions. David refrained his men from killing the dog, shimei. Shimei was not the problem, but sin was the problem. killing Shimei will not bring back the lost glory and killing him will not stop other Shimei from rising. When God is on your side no body can be against you, no one can defeat you or laugh overt your grave.Find your way back to God.
IDENTIFY THE TRUE CAUSE OF IT: it takes a humble spirit to face the bare facts of what the Bible tells us about ourselves.The bible is the Christian's mirror.Many of us either refer to others we think have committed bigger sin to justify our own short comings or out rightly pretend we are okay, thinking we can hide it from men, but we can not hide our sins from the most high. King David was smart enough to know that Shimei was not the problem, but he has brought his calamity upon himself and he did not vent his spleen on the foul mouthed Shimei even though, his servants would have like the man killed for daring to dishonor the king in such an open place.It is God that places man in a position of honor and it will be permanent, not man.
VENGEANCE IS GOD'S ON YOUR BEHALF:God did not instruct the Christan to avenge themselves. Who was Shimei to stand before the anointed one? When we try to correct the wrong done to us,when we to fight for ourselves against those too strong for us,God will leave us to do the battle ourselves for his glory he can not share with you.If Christians allows God to do their battle those who depreciate them will come to celebrate them later, those who shame them will soon come to praise them. Shimei did to King David.
CONCLUSION: the Bible says we should examine ourselves in the light of the scriptures. When things are not going the way it should we as children of God should be humble enough to Carry out examination about ourselves to see whether we have sinned. In the epistles to the Hebrews, the writer says that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword[Hebrews4:12]the ability of the word of God to cut asunder is that it breaks through any form of deceit we may have be indulging and make us see how we stand before God instead of self deceit that so common today.There is a big difference between falling into sin and living in sin. A child of God does not live in sin, but can err, but if we do err remember, the scriptures says we have an advocate , who is the lord Jesus.[1JOHN2:1]


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