Our month of thanksgivings

Right from day one of the month of December[month of decision making] it has been busy indeed, for the ministry. Thee was so much activities done by members alleluia.This culminated in the ministry's annual thanksgivings held on the 12th of the same month. Last year the church was not led to organize an activity to mark this day of thanksgiving, but we were all grateful for the manifold blessings, too.This year was different and so we had a ball with members and well as invitees.
Pastor Moses Iyekekpolor was the guest speaker from Den Hague. the first lesson was read by Elder j. Ebule. Pastor Joshua led the service from one program to another.

This is an expression of appreciation born out of thankfulness to another for being there for you in during a need.It is sad that some have had a bad experience from helping out some one who appear to be in a position of needing help. how do you explain a woman with a face soaked in blood and frantically waving a driver for help. Inside the car before the driver could ask questions he was surrounded by fierce looking hoodlums, dragged out of the car and the men sped off with the woman who was used as a bait.
Ingratitude is as old as the bible. scores of men had their experiencing from Moses with his kinsmen. [see Exodus2:11-14] to Jesus, our lord with the nine lepers.see Luke17:11-17. Some people wants to appear sanctimonious saying, it is God alone we should thank and not man, but i do not think so for God uses man, nature, situation and circumstance to meet man's help. Dangers lies in fact that when men are ungrateful and thankful 1timothy4:1,it hardens people from doing good to others.
Let us not invariable become an instrument in the hands of the enemy as an instrument of unrighteousness, we must not allow our spirit to wax cold because of this end-time spirit. See 2timothy3:1-2 by:
Not saying no to one in dire need of help when we can render it.
Not yielding to the temptation to gossip or narrate a bitter encounter with others
Not allowing it to change your Godly outlook for helping others in need.

so much to thank God for:
A sister had her withdrawn document given back to her.
A sister had her prayers answered: she and her two children given a residence status.
A brother had his driving license at one go.[not very common here]
A brother's seeming hopeless situation suddenly gets new hope.
A family relocated successfully.
A wonderful family reunion after more than a decade.
My son, King David guobadia was four this month.
The twins Dionne and Danitsha also celebrated their birthday this month.
Another important announcement that was welcome with a shout unto the lord was the slogan for next year: 2011 'YEAR OF SPEED AND RESTORATION.'This slogan will be the new year message.After the benediction, this year church calendar was given out.
Ah Lord, God, words shall fail us if we decide to recount and all you have done only in this month of December!
But this is one thing we know, that when we are thankful we set ourselves to receive another rain of blessings from God.
Two weeks after, brother kelvin hosted the church members to a get together bash in his house.
Wishing you all a merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous new year.
Remain rapturable.


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