The very day a christian surrenders to the lordship of the lord Jesus Christ, he equally placed yourself in the book of the Devil. And he will fight you with all at his disposal, believe me. The Devil is the master of networks from the air, from the land, from under the earth and even from your household he has them to fights, nevertheless the lord Jesus Christ has made provision for your victory if only the Christ follows it.Hallelujah!
Satan is the ache enemy [he is our antagonist in every areas; then he has a network of one, those who will do spiritual things to harm us, two those who stop short of spiritual things, but will do any thing in the physical to harm us, three,those who will not harm us ,but will rejoice or wish our down fall normally we call them detractors or opposition.
To the christian, there will always be enemies, hating you for no just cause rather, for the fact you are a child of light and have renounced every works of darkness.
Child of God know this fact today:
There will always be enemies. Jesus had them. Immediately they got the news of his birth.[mathew2:13-15]the devil will always fight you if you are born to be a star whether in your family or your country, but when God hides you neither him nor his cohorts will find you. It all depends on where the God wants to hide you, but you will always be safe from harm's way when hidden in the secret place of God.[Psalm91]
Another came [Jesus enemies] at the beginning of his mission.[Mathew4] Beloved, there is a set time for your mission. When the time comes the Devil will come too, but do not be afraid only put your trust in the lord. Before the age of thirty Jesus was there living like man, for the bible says our priest was in every way tempted like us, but without sin. After he qualified to be the worthy lamp to take away the sins of the world the devil came again. If you are not willing to pursue your calling, not willing to be all you are made to be then the devil has no time for you. But shall we fail in our mission because we fear the devil and his cohorts? God forbid! that is only possible if we do not know the provision that has been made by our lord and Savior.Child of God, be bold and firmly stand on the living promises of God's words to be with you in all situations. Enemies should not be the source why you do not sleep; Paul had them in the bible, David had them and the three Hebrew children had them. The time you spend worrying why they are attacking you should be harnessed and spent on learning from the living word how to appropriate the defeat of the devil to your situation. The truth of the matter is that all the battles you never fought and will ever fight has already be worn for you on the cross, but you must learn how to bring them into your life.
Our lord and savior made it clear , exposing their mission in three category: to steal, to kill and to destroy. John10:10.
Let me outline how you as a Christan must fight or do your battle with the enemy, Satan the devil.
All Christians are soldiers as represented in the word of God and we all know the soldiers always fight when there is need.the difference is that our weapons are not the physical gun or the ballistic missiles. those things are for physical battles not for fighting the devil, a spiritual being , indeed,once an arch angel.
Prayerful christian is a powerful christian and a prayer-less christian is a powerless christian.
some may think there is an easy way out; begging the devil to leave you alone!it does not work that way. Those who beg their enemies will be surprise that they, the enemies will only intensify their plans to bring you down to your kneels or to the grave; they are that callous and wicked.The nature of the devil must be put into account: The devil is "merciless" and begging and asking for mercy is God;s nature therefore, you can not use the Divine nature of God to appeal to the Devil. It is not a workable formula.It is misnomer and totally impossible. Even in death do you know you still have the victory if only you will not deny the lord and savior of your life? so do not beg or appeal to the devil.
Keep your distance when you get to know their moves and their motives. Jesus did in the book of mathew14:1-13. Paul the apostle did in the book of acts17:32-34.
Do not think for once that being on a neutral ground will help; being afraid to cast out being afraid to rebuke him, being afraid to bind his works and openly denounce him and his works, yet, going to church regularly.To you nothing is really evil.Elijah rebuke the children of Israel for being neither cold nor hot when the issues of Baal was ranging in the land. He expected them to declare unequivocal for God, but alas! there they were keeping quiet and keeping numb and playing dumb.What a spectacle![1KINGS18:21]
Take your stand and continually affirm your victory and keep your profession of faith in God. Neither be you discourage by their seeming large numbers for one with God is majority. the three Hebrew men took their stand not minding the stance of the people. it is possible that you alone are right while the rest members of your family are just wrong, they may say.c 'are you saying that you know more than all of us'? and indeed, it is possible that you know more than all of them for the ways of God are hidden from the crowd , but reveal only to those who seek it out.
keep your eyes on him and do not turn to the left or right. the bible encourages us saying, ' looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith[check the passage out for yourself.
Child of God, it is your heritage to rule in the mist of your enemies take measure right now and shine even in their mist.Amen.
remain strong.


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