Thoughts for tweets:'those who are divinely connected will outpace those that are better qualified'. well, keep that up your sleeve for a convenient time to chew on it, but do not delay. For Eternal truth are indeed, reveal to those who seek for it. when we get to know some things we stop sweating for some things. for all that is needed as we journey, looking for our reason of being here is already there, laid in store by the conqueror for us via the sacrifice of the conqueror who made us more than conqueror[john19:30], but faith, is what is needed to download our desires to the rim of the physical, for our enjoyment and physical consumption. For all that is good and lovely comes from above. see james1:17, psalms18:16. Child of God, learn to look to heaven for earthly solutions. The bible, lamented, in the book of Hosea4:6,'for my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge'.
There are those who will make excuses for not seeking God's face for provisions. They say,' God help those who help themselves,'but that is not God's word , it is coined by human philosopher to cut us from placing absolute trust in God. when we make one legitimate excuse or the other for not coming to fellowship , but those who will sacrifice their time for Him will get to the same destination before those who trust in themselves. Mister wiseguy? you can say that again, but you cannot be wiser that your creator.
Before you were created, God made made sure that all that will make your life worth living and fulfilled was in place, but it is our onerous responsibility to look for that, search for it, pursue it, and utilize it.When you know this you will flow in in it. Sweating is never part of it due to the finished work on Calvary by the savior, the last Adam, who brought back what the first Adam messed up.Lack of knowledge is the fasted killer, it is like foolishness which have found abode in some men.In psalms14:1, those who refuse to acknowledge God are described as being foolish.
knowledge of the times shows that with the way way things are today,God has placed you in a position of rest in His son see mathew11:29. The bible says that,'and the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times. see 1chronicle12:32. So child of God be cool, be compose, be collected, be calm. Tape into His divine grace for divine connection.
Stop running because you see others running, for your case is different.
Lemme blow your mind with this:do you know that God can put in your pocket what others spent days, months, even years looking for? They deprived themselves of needed rest. the day you start thinking your strength will take you there,then God will let you alone to become a lone ranger without success. Do you not know or understand that by strength shall no man prevail?1samuel2:9. You can have what it takes yet, are no where noticeable in your pursuit. For your pursuit without God will end in a mirage.Have seen a lot of talented footballers in my childhood neighborhood. they gather to practice at a primary school nearby, even on Sundays they will not go to church, the bible says acknowledgment Him and He will direct your path'. they go to the football field punctually, regularly and dutifully,but their rigorous practice did not get them noticed during the time of selection by football club.Those who were not seasoned footballers were selected. You see it is grace and favor that makes the man in-charge look over you to the person in the last row for the offer. Sadly, yet, they remains those who could not even get a valid passport let alone go to Europe in order to play professional football. Some were the most regular ones!
Listen, when the born again start to trust in their ability, they place their goal further away from realization.
Today, i beseech you to put implicit faith in the word of God, trust Him. locate your divine helpers whether in flesh and blood or in Spirit. If you trust God, you will never miss 'His visitation'. Do not be like Goliath, who felt insulted and enrage when he saw David with a ridiculous sling to kill a skilled warrior like him? How laughable and stupid, but who had the last laugh?


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