I carefully parked my car in my favorite sport, adjusted the sit and and started to read the Daily news paper. I usually keep dailies and small pocket books in the car whenever there is a waiting time such as this. it was when i lifted my head that i saw the church bus. It was the inscription on the panel that gave rise to this post. It was a blue color van and the Words were in white bold lettering.I have heard many idioms and adages that are contrary to what God says about his people such as 'all fingers are not equal', 'God help those who help themselves'.In the book of Ezekiel18:2-3 we are confronted with a scenario which God almighty rebuke in the land of Israel. these days there are many more idioms, proverbs and witty sayings which runs contrary to the word of God.
I was starring at the inscription on that church bus: the name of the church then followed by this: motto: it is all about character'. There is something missing here, i thought. If it is about character what about the Holy Spirit? Can a good character or a morally right person go to heaven? The answer is 'no', except, you want to rationalize about it. A morally adjusted person can not and will not go to heaven as a result of being upright in the eyes of the law. All it takes to make it to heaven is JESUS CHRIST. HE, alone has the right to take us into heaven. Therefore, knowing that all the activities in the church and other christian gatherings is about making heaven then i beg to say there is a big error with the motto of that ministry.In the book of Mathew22:1-14 Jesus told us about a parable which by simply interpretation means it is not about our goodness or achievement all God is looking for is to be hidden in his son, Jesus Christ. Those who thinks they are qualified will find out too late that they are not. What is needed, is to be hidden in Christ, to be in Christ.[2corinthians5:17] 'put on Jesus', so says the bible. Romans13:14.
Today's church members has a lot to learn about Jesus Christ, many do not see him more than the lay man sees him. They do not know he was in the old testament, they do not know he was there during creation, they do not know him as the mighty God.[Isaiah9:6] they do not know he has the power to forgive sins and the power to admit you into eternal bliss like he admitted one of the thieves at the cross.[Luke23:43]
Full and increasing knowledge of the lordship of Jesus Christ is only possible with the help of the holy spirit.there is a lot of insight that many biblical passages requires for us to understand, there is a lot of passages you can not take on face value otherwise, you will be confuse like the Ethiopian eunuch.[ See acts of the apostles18:28-29]. God may not send you another Philip, but he sure will send you something greater than Philip; the Holy spirit, like he promised in the book of john14:26. It is all wrong when churches and ministries organize programs to glorify and gratify the flesh, staging all sorts of program to woo and to keep the unbelievers in the church even when some of the programs are questionable, without, giving us knowledge about Jesus Christ,the son of the living God and the only savior of the world. Such a knowledge we can build on through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. This kind of knowledge comes from above not theological.At every meeting, a deliberate attempt must be made to present the person of the Holy spirit to the parishioner. The more he learns of this spirit, the more victory he gets and the more he gets to rely on him.
Therefore, it is not about character, it is about the Holy spirit.Talking about character to the extend of making it a motto is like placing the cart before the horse; nothing comes before the Holy spirit, nothing comes after it, for it is the Holy spirit that gives us power to be able to leave a holy life. it is the holy Spirit that works on our Canal nature via the fruits of the spirit according to Galatians5:22-23. The reason for character flaws is allowing the flesh to rules over our lives, giving to the desires of the warped and unregenerate minds. The bible makes that clear in the book of Romans13:14.
It is compulsory that the man, woman,boy or girl in the pew must be taught how to be led of the Spirit in order not to struggle with the problem of unwholesome character traits. See mathew4:1,Romans8:14 and Galatians5:18.
If you come to this knowledge then you will understand what apostle Paul says in 2corinthians9:15. Check it out that is your small assignment. God bless you


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