'But there is a spirit in man:and the inspiration of the almighty give them understanding'. the book of job32:8.

'before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before thou came out of the womb i sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations'. the bible book of Jeremiah 1:5.

Good morning this morning or whatever time it is you are reading this blog.
Straight to the subject; let us start with the latter biblical statement accredited to God , the almighty. Firstly, it means man exists in eternity past therefore, we can deduce that no man is born without God's awareness. It also means every man must have a purpose to fulfill while he is alive in the cosmos system.
Again, we come in contact with the word 'ORDINATION'. There is a different between ordination and destiny. Ordination, carries with it a divine power to fulfill whatever task you have been called to do while on earth and no man, can stop it or interfere with it. It also can not be changed by circumstance or political or economic situation. An example, is the birth of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. His was ordained and there was nothing any one can do about it.Right from the birth the host of hell carry out a hot pursuit to stop it, but they failed all the way even to the cross. Brother, when you are ordained for a mission, no Jupiter has the power to stop it from becoming a reality.
But most humans are not ordained for special purposes, but predestined for greatness through finding the part that leads to their call to being fulfilled. this brings us to the former statement. to every born there is a mission but it rest on you playing your part hence if you deviate it will never be realize. that is why we say destiny can be changed or alter if care is not taken to bring it ton pass.
first step is to know your gifting. where do you normally gravitates? what do unlikely doing for the enjoyment of it? what gives you joy as you find yourself doing it? this is the place you should start to question what it is that you are specially gifted or cut out for. it is more than copying or admiration for another person. Actually, when you copy another person, you can never excel, for how many men know more than their teachers? if you want to know more than your teacher, then, you must be taught by another person or know more than your teacher. Rely on the power of the Holy Ghost who is the greatest teacher[John14:26]. the rules to excel is to be all you can be and strife to do more.
Inside every man lies within that which is deposited for his greatness, but it has to get the necessary push or activation. That is what the book of Job32:8 is telling every man born alive! let your inspiration comes through desire to know; and pursue that desire in prayers and meditation. for the way of prosperity in our Calling and gifting is through meditation. See the book of joshua1:8
meditation will in turn brings about revelation. the spirit that has lies inactive will get the inspiration.
Secondly get the necessary training. do not give me that talk that t it is not needed.Elijah got his from Elisha,the disciples got theirs from Jesus , our lord, Moses got his from God in the wilderness,Apostle Paul got his after three years of sturdy in Arabia [Galatians1:16-18]
Let God show you forth. do not be in a hurry to be known. Do not engage in marketing yourself.Do not pretend to be there, on top, when you are not even started. Your gift will introduce you[ proverbs18:16] if others are running are jumping from pillar to post dare to be different. soon the fakes and copy catt will run out of steam but those who waits on the lord shall always renew their strength [Isaih40:31]
Know the difference between ambition and a vision. the former has a destination, but the later is ever expanding even after your demise another person will run with it


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