Peradventure, before the law it is possible to be guiltless or not having a crime record, but before God almighty this is not the case because the laws of God is not mostly the laws of men therefore, the standard is different.God eyes having roved over the earth could not find one that is righteous coupled with our sin nature declares that, 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. see the book of Romans3:23. the God , whose cloak is righteousness can not condone sin. right from the first fall into sin of Man God has in mind immediate to find a permanent solution to sin problem for immediate solution there was a coverage of sort so that sins are hidden like being swept under the rug, nevertheless it was there.this practice was carried out by a priest on a yearly bases and it was called atonement; a process where a lamb without sport was slain to atone or take the place of the sinner. this sacrifice was did not wash away our sins therefore, God got the perfect lamp in form of human[ the lamp of God that takes a way sin] and to all who believes in him their sins are taken away and they have life without end in Him, Jesus.
Now let me say, from the onset that mercy is not the first need of as sinner, but repentance and acceptance of the lordship of the lord Jesus Christ.
the first state of blessedness is when the sinner is forgiven his sins entirely on a one swoop. see the book of psalms32:1-2.'blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputed not not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile.
Man and mercy: man finds it difficult to forgive sins because it is not in the nature of man, but when the spirit dwells in us we can do this. see the case of Stephen the martyr.Act-of the Apostles7:60
God and mercy:his mercies are ineffable, not easily explained away. see Exodus20:6,Number14:18.
today, i encourage you to identify with His mercies after repentance.
The thing about mercy is that it is reserved for those who are already believers just like intercession is reserved for the saints.[ROM8:34]
God bless you as you seek HIS face today.


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