Victims and Bereaved. These are two conditions which humans do not want to experience , but has come to stay with mere mortals like us. We in our fears and weaknesses never wants to think of what to do when grief comes. We are often thrown off balance when we are suddenly as it were, confronted with such incident. Sadly, in this sinful world, no one has protection against grief. No wonder, the bible says we look forward to another place, yes, another place, where there is protection against accidents and suicide bombers, indeed, they do not even occur. Few days ago, in Nigeria, we all listened with much anxiety to the news about the air disaster that  happened  in Lagos. The flight was  from Abuja.  According to report, there were one hundred and fifty passengers on board. Our prayers and hope was that there will be survivals. [the plane crashed into a densely populated area in Lagos, in a city said to be one of the fasted growing cities in the world]. The news that came later, was the very worst.All on board , including some on ground perished! As the days unfolded, stories that can melt the heat of stones stated to trickle out: families members comprising man and wife and children and others like earlier said, because no one plans what to do when there is grief when it heat your loved ones you might be left floundering and at a loss, as to what to do. firstly let me say, again that my heart felt prayers goes out to all the bereaved families in the air disaster.My Prayers, is that God will comfort all those who are left to suffer the loss of a family member or a dear friend. Post reactions are bound to follow the same pattern in this case.Spousal reaction is often Disbelief. Pain Tears Regrets Bitterness Self pity Soliloquizing Remembering the last words and action of the departed Remembering the good times shared together Questions and unsatisfactory answers staring into space Loss of appetite . In this part of the world,some bereaved unfortunately, might even point accusing fingers to one or two persons and of course, the witch they have always suspected in the victim;s family. The first thing, every sympathizer must know is never to try and stop their tears from flowing.[the bereaved] one thing good about 'flowing face is that it has a calming effect. the second is to allow their talk this is another calming effect. no matter what you want to give or do for them let them have this two experiences if they choose. Never forget the word of God. This will do for them what you can not do: Strengthens them,comforts them,give them hope, fill the vacuum and void left by the departed. God bless you as you remember these things.


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