The word 'TRUST', has an interwoven meaning.Depending on how you want to use it. Trust is spiritual as well as circular in usage and meaning. The former has to do with the SPIRITUAL, with those who possess the power, the enabling ability to carry out whatever tasks they deem fit for their attention.
In the bible, we are commanded in the book of Isaiah26:4, ' trust ye in the lord Jehovah for in the lord Jehovah is an everlasting strength'. The two words, EVERLASTING AND STRENGTH separates the immortals from the mortals.  Trust in God or a higher mortal. This is a blind trust based on the belief that He is able to do what he says and also able to help you no matter the situation you might find yourself; it is pinning all your hope in this one being, God, without reservation whatsoever. The word 'everlasting and strength' is important for trust to be fully operational. for this two words to exist, then there is a prove that you are a divine being, because this power is not political, neither is it transitional , but  it is omnipotent and it has no ending nor, does the power diminish in it's potency. One must not fail to add that for this trust in God to exist you must have a relationship with him through Christ, the Savior.
The second  is relational trust. every relationship is as strong as the trust that is either present , or absent.if it is between two then, it is a mutual trust and if it is more than two then it is multi-trust.
we have different kind of trust in  human relationship unlike the spiritual which is 'whole and all encompassing' this kind of  trust depends on the kind of relationship that is exisitng between the parties so involved.
if it a business trust then all the transactions and connections, financial and otherwise are to be transparent as long as it has to do with that business.
There is a lawyer's trust[between lawyer and his client] which has to do with all your  estate, wills charities and confidential details entrusted to the legal practitioner by the client to hold in trust pending the event of his demise or otherwise . Never, has it been heard, though, we live in an age where all things are possible, that a lawyer compromised the trust between him and his client.
Again, there also exists the trust between a  doctor and his patient. for example the patient may have a terminal illness. his doctor will not divulge this illness to any one except on rare occasion when he may be compelled to do so by an high court judge based on personal security or others safety.take for example, diabetics patient are known to carry a card stating what to do with them in case you find them fainting.
There is also the trust between a pastor and his member[s] and  under no circumstances, should any information or counseling thereafter, be overheard by another. Neither, should the pastor, makethe confidential talk  a reference point,   during ministrations even, if the member may have gone to another fellowship or ministry, but the conversation remains buried within the pastor.
 The relationship between a banker and the customers is also based on trust.On the one hand  the latter to his money and the former trust the latter to pay his interest if he is given a loan.
the pilot trust the passenger not to carry exhibit a behavior that will endanger the lives of  those on board and the passengers trust the pilot to fly them safely to their destinations even, if they can not see or, verify the pilot's credentials nor his emotional state before they are airborne.
All these trusts has their limitations like  a lawyer and cleint and it has nothing to do with  other issues or intimacy in other areas.
But, there is another kind of trust that follows closely the trust placed on the omnipotent God. remember, as earlier stated this is a blind trust which is borne out of the one's ability to do wonders and to do above all you can imagine or desire. the trust that exist between a husband and a wife [all things being equal is second to one, but God's. this is because the closest relationship any human has on earth is suppose to be between the man, husband and the woman, wife. the good book stated that the first humans to carry out this relationship were so close that they were both naked. this has to do with openness without fear of betrayal or being ashamed when you are with the one is with the other.
Love could be a deciding factor in the coming together of a husband and a wife, but it takes money and trust for it to blossom. Money in this context is the purchasing power to acquire the basic necessity of life for your household and, not being wealthy as some would want to believe. In fact too much of money never, brought joy to a relationship. Money, when too much can even, be a deciding factor of divorce or separation.[see most Hollywood power couples and how they ended] Trust to some extend, develops as an overflow of the love, but this is a small measure based on love. because true love does not doubt with out reason. but, 'TRUST', unlike love, has to be earned in order to thrive. Like i said a small measure can develop because of the spill over of love, but it takes INTEGRITY.for trust to be what therefore, is integrity? In the book of psalms15:4b, we are told, ' He that swears to his own hurt and change not'. I think, this best defines integrity than any circular dictionary are won to.This kind of trust is not forced, or cajoled neither is it pleaded for, but it is earned. For absolute trust to be built. When one fails in this areas of integrity that trust in matrimonial relationship becomes shaken.A man of integrity will defends his word and keep his bond no matter, the excruciating pain that may bring him.A classic case is the biblical case of the man called Job who refuse to deny God despite the relentless pain.  No amount of pressure, mounted on such a one sexually or monetary, makes him/her cave in. Therefore, it takes love to come together as man and wife, but it takes the earning of trust for the matrimonial, [relationship] to thrive.
One must be able to have confidence on the words of the spouse, believing same to be true despite what may appear as contrary and, that at the end f the day you will not be let down. Rather,  nay Sayers and critical observers  will surely be put to shame.
Hello, am i speaking with the man/woman with integrity?

can follow pastor Godwin on twitter   guobadia02


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