In a country  like Nigeria,where Transparency international has noted high propensity for corruption my
 humble take on this issue of Men of God possession who owns jet planes and flies around in Gulf streams and Bombardier jets might make you feel like hating my guts and using a meat cleaver on my head.By the way, i overheard someone say there are more private jets in the country than commercial airlines, though am yet to verify that claim. Please,am only expressing  i my opinion and should not cause you  to loos your cool. What is giving us all sleepless night is the various challenges which seems to have defy all logical solution. In case you have been hermetic of late, there is this issue that is making the round in bars and pools tables, in super markets and market square about the men of God in Nigeria who are keeping our airspace busy with their incoming and out going planes. Like with all controversies,those on the hot seats always have a reason for doing what they do and acting the way they do. The grouse of  a section of Nigerians[live on below one dollar per day is rhetorical in nature. Do you really need a private plane to preach the gospel? Is it the time to acquire private jets when our economic infrastructure lies in waste and ruins? when most Nigerians have grinding poverty as their constant companion, and when the majority leads a 'hand to mouth existence'.  These fellow Nigerians clergy men have come out personally or through their representative to categorically say, that they were gifts from their congregations. they have been  labeled as being insensitive to the dismal plight of their impoverished compatriots who happens to be among their teaming followers.  They opined that these men, in flowing agbada and impeccable tailored suits who are always chauffeured and body guarded, should have reject these gargantuan gifts[Air planes] and call on heaven to judge members of their ministry who first muted this outrageous idea of a gift of airplane.

 They say, in a country so rich and yet, so poor where 'a hand to mouth existence' is the experience of about 70 percent globetrotting in private jets in the name of preaching the gospel is just another example of the yawning gap that keeps growing between the rich and the poor. People are so myopic that they cannot  see the beggars lining our busy streets, and the kids who go about cap in hand, begging for money? Could it be   a case of 'eyes have they, but they can not see?' they see not for they have overfed on the sweat  of the masses for so long that they no longer remember how the pangs of hunger feels  or how the pain of deprivation hurts.
From all nooks and cranny  seems filled with holy anger and righteous indignation against these M.O.G 'oh lord do not forgive their avarice and let not their covetous attitude pass you without notice ' , they quip spartan simplicity, but their lifestyle is luxury redefined.the thieves, the robbers and even the kidnappers are seen as small fries when weight on the balance with these men of God.
Please, sorry i do not share your sentiments neither do i see any reason for condemning these ones except to score cheap political point and backyard popularity . It s easy to join these one if i want i simply add a slammer of my own 'Jesus did not have any means of mobility he plodded the sand of the  desert with his feet and strutted the street of Jerusalem and environs without a horse  and the only time he made use of a carriage it was to be a donkey.'

I ask you to be frank and sincere, how many would reject a car gift from an organization or an individual who gave it because they say you have met their needs in terms of works and ministrations? They make you feel you deserve it. A society like ours thrives on praise and use men's adulation as a yardstick to know how much they have contributed to the betterment of the society they live.Gone are the days you just want to do the right thing for conscience sake, you would  rather, have your rewards in the here and now, in political position and other government considerations. We offer a seemingly good and constructive criticism, but disguise  in ulterior motive.I do not want you to see me as being blasphemous .but i think the only one who wanted to put Jesus our lord and savior on the sport, was Judas Iscariot when he out rightly condemn before all the expensive ointment a woman use on Jesus as wasteful. that ointment ought to have been sold and the money given to the poor!what a wonderful alternative , sell the ointment and give the proceed to the poor, but the motive was wrong.
The  answer Jesus Christ gave peter was relevant then as it is relevant today ,'the poor you will have with you always'.

It is pertinent for us all to remember that it is not all who speaks and men others obey. Seen men who go begging for two dollars and no one is ready to part with a cent, but some men can raise millions on a given ocassion. seen those who save and save just to buy at least, what you call a car    others get four jeeps as a birthday present from different organizations or individual. Men can raise offering and charity in the millions; It is all based on the  contribution and trust these men have garnered during the cause of serving in the various offices  they occupy. I doubt, if i can raise some two thousands without someone investigating me or thinking i want my head examined if i think i can fleece   them of their hard earned money. These men have built such  clout that the naysayers will have a hard time trying to persuade others to stop doling these men of God gifts.These nice people believe it is their duty to care for the men of God and there is a blessing waiting for them.And this believe has not failed them otherwise they would have stopped giving.
'The poor you will always have with you; not this ointment that is responsible for the poverty starring us in the face. The solution is a collective responsibility: those in authority leading the way and living by example   .The street hawker has a role  to play like the surgeon,the Driver has one just like the Dentist. If the small girl will refuse to drop the wrappings on her cookies on the road side because it is not nice if the driver will obey all traffic laws and the police will do their job all will go a long way in our strife for a better nation building. From the primary school, hard work, diligence and a passion for a job well done should be encouraged in all classes. Effort to lift the banner of the nation high requires all hands. with a visionary leader in place and workers should indolence and corruption results will start to trickle in sooner than later
Therefore, give me a bombardier jet, i will accept with a double take, i might consider it a liability later, but at least, this is pretty cool for the moment and i would want to enjoy  it before the airport fees mount up to the high heavens.
God bless you.



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