There are two important events worthy of note during this Easter celebration. One is the last supper
And of course, the resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ. There is no gain going over the obvious fact that it is the death and the resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ that gave credence to his divinity. In as much as am not a one-way train nor has my faculties be subverted by dangerous indoctrinations i still have to postulate the truth so far: that amongst all founders of religious movement no one has display knowledge, [see sermon on the mount] commonly seen as words etch in gold and truth of all time, the lord's prayer, replete with love for God and our personal responsibility to forgive others pointing out that our ability to forgive and the measure we will forgive is commensurate to the measure God will forgive us, too. His good works, while he strutted this sinful world, is second to none of other religious movement. his compassion and moving parable even daring to use a priest as failing in his duty to love all, in one of his parables [The good Samaritan] His love for sinners, and unwillingness to out-rightly condemn the sinner, placed him at loggerhead with the pharisees and the Sadducee. he condemned sin, but refuse to ostracized the sinner,he visited the infamous and left them a changed person. To crown his exceptional claim of divinity and claim to Godhead, he died and resurrected just like he said he would. That singular ability to rise from the death did nothing , but to confirm what he said he is and to establish his superiority amongst any other movement.[read mathew26:28,icorinthians11:24-25]the event and words of our lord Jesus Christ is simple and needs no further elaboration to the undiscerning,but there are some words that can not be overlooked, words that looks simply enough, but like the small ingredient called salt if not added to some cook makes the whole cook tasteless notwithstanding other expensive ingredient like meat and fish. that might take it out of context. read it, assimilate it and meditate on the above passages. To understand these words, we must remember that ebglish was not the original language, but the bible was translated into English and most we must interpret again words for the meaning be come understandable to the reader. The second i mentioned was the resurrection. in the book of Philippians 2:9-10. The same power that raises Jesus from the dead and far above all principalities and powers is the same power working in us. Whatever battles that would rise against us has been won already for us. all we need do is to claim it john19:30. The power that raised Jesus from the dead romans8:11 can : Makes us sons of God that will give us access to our manifold blessings.[see john1:12] Separates us from household-Gods,family spirits,inherited curses and unseen family battles [see 1peter2:9] Power to bind and to lose [mathew18:18-20] power to degree a thing and it shall come to pass [job:18:28] power to witness[luke24:49]
The is absolute and like smoke you can not cover it for long. Those who do not know shall know as events in the present world continue to unfold. I can help it, but quote this : Psalms 119:89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. 
The abysmal lack of knowledge in the fold is becoming alarming by the day, those who mention JESUS without having a relationship with him are more in the churches today. Like the people of old they fancy the miracles and despise the ways of God, but little do they know that the ways of God are the ways the brings the unending miracle. As we celebrate the Easter with pomp and pageantry, dancing and singing, let us also lace it with the word of God.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Have a glorious celebration.
Will be seeing you.


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