I shall underrate your awareness if i say you do not know that Easter and its surrounding festivities was was originally a pagan festival with offerings done to 'Esotre',a god,commonly worshiped by the heathens in those days.But to the few who might feign ignorance, here is a summary: this festival coincides with the Passover celebration in Jesus' time. Therein lies the reason why they did not conspicuously mention it in the bible except for once in the book of Acts12:4.
But the reason for this posting is to explain without giving you a long sermon the significance of the resurrection of the Jesus, Christ.
Might shock some if i say that the celebration of the resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ is more important than his birth and the attended christian festivities and commercialization by the shrewd business world
Reason 1
If Jesus was not raised or did not resurrect from the dead, The christian faith ,life style and would have been in vain and just another failed religious movement in the pages of history. Paul, one of the proponent of this faith, was very much aware of this and mentioned it in the book of 1corinthians15:14.
Reason 2
Then the old testament revelation concerning this would have come into a lot of doubts and thus very unreliable. see Acts2:24-28.
Reason 3
Jesus himself,spoke about his resurrection before it happened. This, too, would have been mere words of a charlatan, God forbid!
Last line:
Jesus Christ serves a dual purpose or occupy a dual office here. first as the king of all kings, eternal Savior and second as the lamp of God most high.
the second position came about as a result of the impact of sin and it consequence on the world.sin, was introduced by one of the three arch angel called Lucifer, the rebellious one and about two third of the angels with him were cast out from the presence of God most high. The angels, these bodiless spirit goes about looking for humans to possess, thus we have men and women being possessed by demons and evil spirit today.Therefore, it is naive, for any one to doubt the existence of these demons and their evil works. with the presence of demons Satan is able to perpetuate a reign of terror and other evils using men as instrument of evil and unrighteousness.
With such a scenario, there was a need to look for a remedy. and God, himself prepare the much needed needed sacrifice for himself.
Being born into the world he took upon himself the human personality leaving his position in heaven . he was well introduce by his forerunner, John the Baptist when he said, behold the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world.[John1:36]
Think about these things and meditate on them.