'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? [the holy bible, Jeremiah 17:9] The above biblical quotation best sum up the degenerated state of man. It is so bad that even we can not vouch for ourselves in terms of righteousness and truth. Take this scenario: they have given me a ministerial gift. Healing; remember, it is not because I am better placed than others, neither is it because i have seen God face to face and therefore can challenge Moses to tell me the features of God while i wait to argue and doubt his own version, no, it is just the gift of God. This is made clearer in Paul's letter to the Corinthians[1corintians12:1-9] But if after i had performed a healing which, of course, is under the unction of the holy spirit do i allow God to get the glory ? Do i direct all the accolades to God? It is easy to say yes, but remember the opening verse of this post. The heart can do things which we ourselves never thought we can do. Do i not feel offended if this person stops coming to my fellowship? Do i not feel offended if he does not mention me always when telling others about this healing? Would i not rather use the healing as an opportunity to advertise my ministry and try to project it like i alone is called of God. After all, i have a catalog of testimonies, never mind that some of the people have been coach on how to do it like a script and if some are too dull they are promptly dropped from the next batch of those billed to testify of what the God of ...... is doing to all those who acknowledge his servant as the one and only servant of God. With such accolades and encomiums? Do you expect me to walk lesser than other men or taller than other men? Then it comes to wardrobe: It is not just bursting with clothes and other accessories, but it has to be replenished with specially designed clothes for me. it has to be flowing, or loud, bright. Miracle galore all the way. then when i need to display it in that gathering of political giants and top-guns, it failed me! yes, it is a gift not by your power and the Lord chooses when to carry out healing through you as a vessel or not. He can choose to ignore you despite the much advertised forthcoming events and crusades in Miami or times square gardens in New York, He can step over you and choose a pastor in the remotest village where there is neither pipe bone water nor roofed houses, A pastor who can hardly afford three square meal per day am not talking of fasting. The Spirit will move and miracle extraordinary will happen, but no news media to the outside world. Take this from me, the mayhem being carried out by terror group against the church must have been revealed by God to some of his servants. But should the Holy Spirit be bothered? No, His ways are not our ways and neither are His thoughts. Many of us[ me,myself and i included ] will be surprise to see who the Lord shall welcome 'as good and faithful servant' on that judgment day. Talking about judgement day who gives a damn or care a hoot about judgment day? That is too far besides, the Men of God do not talk about judgment day these days;that is rather, old fashion. There is so much to talk about especially,in the areas of our giving. How could you forget so soon about how far your arms could open the flood gate of blessings. your giving appears before God like in the days of Cornelius and how He[the holy spirit has identify our enemies and shall soon wipe them from the surface of the earth before they repent! that just happened? do i not carry myself like others who have lesser gifts are less inferior? Spiritual gifts are divided into three comportment namely: power gifts and the gift of revelation. These are healing, faith and miracles.And the later is the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom and of course, the discerning of spirits Most men who operate in power gifts tends to follow the leading of their whims and caprices rather, than being led of the spirit of God [Holy Spirit]when our personal lives is at variance with what we preach then we do not have the Holy spirit. for we are told in the scripture that when we have the seed then we bear it the fruit. see Glatians5:22. you can read the whole verse. herein, lies the true yardstick to know the true servants of God,whose name is JEHOVAH. It is high time the show must stop, the placing of the cart before the horse is too wrong to be ignored. MARATHA!


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