1 Timothy 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

        1 Timothy 6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
                                                                                                       [all quotes from The bible ,KJSV]

When president john .f. Kennedy said 'do not ask what your country cam do for you, but ask what you can do for your country, am sure he never knew that his words, advise or admonition, depending, on what you want to call it, will go on in an evergreen annals. of our time. When a truth so obvious, so conspicuous and so glaring is uttered by humans, the world do not fail to recognize and  echoes it often thereafter,  So when the Nigeria president, Muhammadu  Buhari,  sums up Nigeria's desire situation, he echoed the obvious; 'IF WE DO NOT KILL CORRUPTION, CORRUPTION WILL KILL US'. Good enough, he sees corruption as a living virus in our system. Of a truth if Nigeria ever had any problem it is but corruption in high and low places. The spectacle is pitiful: The whole drama begins right from the airport.[if you are visiting] the customs and immigration officers welcomes you with an  expectancy like the biblical man sitting at the beautiful gate, not minding they ought to be the eye into how the nation is perceive by visitors and Nigerians alike, who have been gone for a long time, and are visiting after so many years. I want to see the customs and immigrations like the ushers in the church. A bad usher could just about spoiled your worship for you, especially, when you are a first timer. A. Compose, cool and collected customs and immigration , working with deft and dexterity welcoming and looking efficient gives an insight into how jobs are done in the whole country. Alas! this is quite the opposite of what greets you. If you do not want to face a longtime of questioning, almost leading to harassment and the opening of all your luggage and bags you should part with some money. then things starts working like magic.
out there is no different . From the bank queue you need to know someone then you are called out and gets an express attention. To the street, ask some one the way to a particular place he will oblige you, but you have to part with something, especially when you are from abroad, they know it, it shows in you skin and your composure. After clearing your car you still have to clear your car all the way to your sate each time you get to a police roadblock/ you wonder why the road blocks are there. As you go from your day to day task,  you become aware that  is all about money. The sole motivation for anything is money. if you have it nothing else matters. not even if you acquire it through dubious means. your pastor will sing your praise, your neighbor will wave to you each time you drive pass, your parents will adore you and see you as the god sent. greed, avarice is the order of the day. our society has placed money above all else. it is believe if you go to school is to make money not to contribute to the society or be a better citizen. your net worth determine it all before the authority, police men, judges and teachers of higher intuition of learning.
with such scenario one is not too surprise that a civil servant in the person of Andrew Yakubu's stockpile hard currency running into millions. Where on earth did he get such a large sums? his initial defense goes that it was a gift from somebody. According to news, the ECONOMIC AND FINACIAL CRIME COMMISSION, EFCC, found the loot in a house owned by the accuse. He told the efcc that the cash was a gift from unnamed persons. If not for anything that such sums are kept at home is robbing the government of the necessary tax.The commission said that Yakubu, who also admitted that another 74, 000 pounds cash was recovered from him, is currently assisting in the investigation.  The average Nigerian, is not appalled by the discovery, but that he was foolish enough not to have hidden it properly One told me he discovered gold, but he, Yakubu was not smart enough to hid it well! When you try to say something they point out the grinding poverty and untold suffer they are going through. Try to continue he waive you to silence and say he is praying to God to lay his hands on such money: Sample all the opinion, only a handful will disagree with this trend. quite amazing. what is needed is nothing short of a paradigm shift in all sectors. Our get rich quick tendencies is too huge. our capacity to be greedy is uncontrollable. Most maxim is make it either by crook or hook means, at the end you will be celebrated and prayed for daily. While in Nigeria I saw more Rolls-Royce cars in the streets of Lagos than in Europe. You bet they do not  pay road tax there. Imagine luxury. Those who have acquired wealth tends to flaunt it well yet, the bible says in the book of Philippians 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.   but this kind of teaching is no longer desirable by a hungry congregation who is desirous of wealth , but instead of dancing to their tunes like Aaron religious leaders must take their stand and rightly divide the word of God. See, 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
There is no enlightenment campaign that will bring about accountability in the body polity of our lives  if not started in the places of worship. [churches and mosques] When God's blessings is equated with how much you are worth then they feel they have to get that blessing. and any opportunity that presents itself is God don hear my prayer. when pastors only talk about the acquisition of material wealth when you are given the front seat and made a deacon in the next convention only because you have money, when the usher leads you to a special seat only because you have money when reference is made to you almost in every sermons of how good God can be to those who give to the church then all starts to desires the so-called blessings. when wealth is glamourized even in the church, when the pastor's bling in outfit changes cars every Sunday how can we expect the congregation to be different? The sprit from the pulpit is what molds the man on the pew. What you sow into their lives  as a pastor is what they go out to cultivate: good or bad honesty or greed, uprightness or crookedness. A failed ministry is one that can not transforms lives. Is the one that do  not preach contentment.  A failed ministry is the one who do not echoe the importance of a good name as a legacy we leave behind. A ministry who do not reminds members that they shall give account in the last day of how they live on earth has failed woefully from the onset. Any religious group for that matter. I like pointing inwards.
The next sector who I indict  is the entertainment  industry depicted by Nollywood and musicians now called entertainers The latter, are most guilty.  Watch  video clips. it with pomp and pageantry. The glorification of wealth. I watched one clip the other day, by a top most entertainer. The story line is they were poor[ two brothers] One of them  was even chased away by the father of his girlfriend for being too poor. They went abroad and after 5 years came back with a private jet. Going to see his girls was a story left to the imagination: Fleets of luxurious cars accompanied him and his brother there. The girls father? he went overboard with joy,  packing the naira sprayed  with both hands, dancing around. Tell me what that depicts? These clips have a way of shaping our outlook and expectations.
The third sector is our parents. Today, how many parents pray for good name for their children? teach them to be honest, hand working and God fearing? quite a handful. most compare their children to the children of the jones and find their children lacking, why cant they build a mansion that equals that of the jones? why cant their wedding be filled with glamour and be tagged wedding of the century? of the town? why cant his son build an imposing mansion in his village? Our parents who should be a moral compass to us has lost all sense of decency. A friend  told his father to stop comparing him to others after all you do not know what they do abroad. His father snapped back 'I don't care you do the same and make your own money, too'. What a tragedy. those who ought to led us in the narrow path of life now turn out to take us to the wide path of destruction! I wait for your salvation o my God. How many Andrew Yakubus are out there? We have them in all sector. whether as ceo or office clerk. whether as teachers or boy in training. need a paradigm shift. fast.
Our institution of learning do not fair better. how many stories have seep in that some lecturers passed a student who did not even sit for his course or failed it just because he has been bribed. Money talks, still.
Meanwhile these monies stolen here and there, assuming, Andrew  Yakubu is found guilty is quite enough for the government to provide infrastructures, housing and a stipend for the unemployed. Perhaps, if this is achieved it will dampen our quick shift to corruption and theft.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

 I will be seeing you.


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