Reno Omokri you goofed

3 John 1:9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.

1 Timothy 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;

When your fight is from within , pray God you win that fight. The bible says a man's enemy shall be from his household. The word of God shall for ever remain true.

For some time now, the ones sitting in the front pews have been finding it very convenient to turn around and attack their brethren sitting on the same pew. Reason? They find their brethren guilty of too much respect for the pastors, too much flowing with these pastors ,like these folks are even ready to drink the dirty water from their socks, the pastors. They wonder why these ones should be so gullible and never for ones say, no to their pastors. These front benchers do not understand why the shout out to their pastors nor the whistles and the flow each time the pastors mount the pulpit.

Recently the posturing of one man, who is neither hot nor cold has struck me. On twitter account he took it out on church members saying why should they refer to their pastors as Daddy and their pastors wives as mummies? Am talking of no less a person than Reno Omokri, the former personal assistant to Nigeria president Jonathan. Talking about modern day Diotrephes! He is pissed whenever he goes to church and hears church members referring to their pastor as Daddy, indeed, so pissed that he has to come over to social media and blast such members. He did not stop there he went further with the attack saying, the children of their pastors might be laughing at these loyal members,   at their back. What an unholy assertion, he has no evidence that these pastors children's were up with such tricks, but he has to assume and entertain such thoughts in his bid to discourage these respectful members. For you information, Reno, these pastors children grew up in the mists of prayers and Amen at home. They grew up in the mists of reading the bible and hearing' halleluiah', all the time. So , too, they grew up hearing members call their own father their Daddy.

Charity they say, begins at home. Whatever a child hears at home why on earth would such a child be surprise and laugh each time he hears it again and again? Despite the exploits that Paul allowed God to use him to accomplished , there were members in the church who still despised Paul, for their selfish motives. Talk about a Toad laughing at the beautiful Swan. Reno, Using your twit to judge people for being loyal is not biblical neither does it encourage any one. You said this same people has abandoned their real parents. I put it to you that any one willing to call another man his father because of Christianity will find it difficult to abandon his biological father more so, let him stave to death . In this you certainly allow your imagination to run wide.

Before a man lives his father to call another man father somethings must have taken place. You should have asked any one whose parent complained to you first then you have a case. You generalization is unchristian. I can imagine you going home feeling bitter because you hear your fellow parishioners addressing your pastor as Daddy. That alone removes or nullify whatever blessings you must have received that Sunday! If a pastor finds it uncomfortable to be address as daddy he can make that announcement or ask the Secretary. I believe where there is no law there can not be transgression.

Reno, in your haste to denounce these ones, the faithful and gentle ones, you were not careful to go through the bible as in the above book and chapter, 1timothy5:1. You are those who look for sorrows in the mist of the joy people share every Sunday service. you call yourself a Christians , but you deny the power of God to transform and makes one gentle, joyful and gives a lasting change. 1corintiansd5:17
Is it not a common sight to hear a neighbor's child calls another man old enough to be his father, father? or has the recipient not responded with joy and warmth? It is a part of our African culture to call all elders , without obligation, father. I have done that and other youths in my time did it to my father, too. So why is the bile rising inside you?  or would you rather, they hiss each time they see their pastor? talk about people in the church exhibiting the traits of the end times. Men like you are the DIOTREPHES
If you fast and pray for your pastor it will not diminish you, rather, it will be a blessing to you, but if you engage in bringing him down or any other pastor for that matter, it will be in vain.

Godwin Guobadia writes from Amsterdam.


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