1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.

              John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

These last weeks have witnessed uncommon rumbles in  the church, the ecclesia.First it was the bomb  dropped by one Stephanie Otobo.[still an allegation].Then just last week while the reverberation was still felt, another hit again. This time it was a pastor, a laborer in the vineyard, trying to destroy in the most heinous way what he has built. and like the biblical Samson tried to destroy the people, only this time unlike Samson, he wanted to destroy the church! .The pastor has a grudge. He says the church where he pastors took side with his wife in a dispute and encouraged her to leave him, not minding that he has put in close to 25 years in the Ministry. Now if this does not shock you , you can not be shock by anything. Now I am not here to judge or condemn any one infact,, the bible says I have no right to do that. Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. This stand, is what many will observe if it got messier and the Apostles is proved guilty, but hear this:1 Corinthians 5:3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed. We as Christian have the right to judge some acts and are careful not to condemn the "actor/actress"
   am only saying whatever or wherever this investigation may reveal or take us to both the Apostle Suleiman, A man, who as the fonder and head pastor of Omega fire ministry has travelled wide with the gospel and his name is associated with prophecies and predictions both for individual and the country.. just last month he was in Amsterdam , bochland to be precise and the after math was a mix grill. while some were satisfied that he gave them wonderful prophecies others were not so happy. One said I have a lot of problem thought God will use the man of God to speak to me but, it was not so when I make bold to go to him for prayers, I was stopped by his aids. then the next day himself said he only prophesy according to the leading of the Spirit not by anyone coming to see him personally Most of them agree on one thing: he was too late to the ground and did not spend much time before closing. another was that he told you what to give as offerings no coins but specific notes. well I can opt collaborate these stories because I was not there because the pastors were not formally invited like when Dr. Emma Opkai came. All mission were invited and all played a role to the glory of God. I remember telling the teaming crowd that I heard about him from one of my teachers in bible school. the course was church administration, CA., but I told the congregation I never met him in Nigeria but here I am meeting him and I consider it a privilege to be called out to lead the section for the offering.
What  is fascinating about this is how both the accused and the accuser have garnered followers. the irony of it is that both are Christians, the children of God redeemed of God through His son, Jesus Christ. Peter speaking about this went further to say we were redeemed by something incorruptible. No matter what you say one fact remains there has been contact with the apostle and Stephanie Otobo.
While we the people of God are still on the case let us not forget to intercede for these two. Both have gone to the public to embarrass the faith. The apostle calling a child of God names and beyond his dignity and a whole lot more.
Here are some salient points to ponder for the two Christians, yes Christians,
FOR Miss Otobo
  1. I you knew he was married why did you go that far with him? that is Fornication
  2. As a child of God you do not have to encourage a man to leave his wife for you, it is a sin
  3. Why did you resort to blackmail instead of going straight to your lawyer?
  4. How come your father denied knowledge of the relationship despite your claims?
  5. Do you know before God both you and the apostle have sinned .
  6. Do you know you own his wife an unreserved apology and a televised repentance?
  7. Do you deny the man you flew into Nigeria is an accomplice of these whole blackmail thing?

My Apostle
  1. Ministerial ethic ought to have told you that you do not have to converse with a convert in you pajamas and wearing that broad smile. see where it has landed you
  2. Do you deny inviting her to Italy for crusade?
  3. Do you deny having amorous relationship with her
  4. Do you deny having canal knowledge of her often?
  5. Do you deny sending her nude pictures?
  6. Do you deny telling her about Daniela Okeke as one of your ex?
  7. Do you deny that the Mercedes Benz sport utility is registered in your name? 

Then some Christian fighting for the Apostles went ahead to say that the Christian association of Nigeria CAN was standing by the Apostles. what a dumb claim. like they were addressing some illiterates. Why would a noble body representing the body of Christ come out openly to defend what they know nothing about. The bible says the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. that includes your heart and mine therefore, CAN, the Christian association of Nigeria, can  not defend any individual for that is not part of its mandate or objectives..
What all these have revealed about the Christianity in the nation is that they lack knowledge  and their personal relationship with Christ is poor. Paul once commended a local church because they were not carried away by whatever great things he was doing nor his over powering exploits in the name of Christ, despite all he told them they will go home and search the scriptures if these things were like Paul told them. see it for yourself here:Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Today instead of searching the scriptures we would rather listen to his long message based on his trip abroad
instead of searching the scriptures we would rather hear his prophecy to us
instead of searching the scriptures we would rather celebrate his glory, yet we know not what that means.
Today if Christ should judge the church I have no doubt HE will find us lacking in many virtues.
We need to pray for the Apostles and we need to pray for Stephanie for both are the children of God and nothing less.
     Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Pastor Abel Eku:
Now our pastor. I lament your fall. I lament your degradation. how did you get to such a low point? where was your spiritual compass? when did you stop praying?
Why did you allow bitterness to eat so deep into you? If I may ask at what point in your life did you learn the act of bomb making? if you have a grouse and feel the church should hear you I am sure you know how to channel your grievance to the church authority instead you are counting on your years of service. Shame on you. In both cases there is need for repentance. I think if King David fell in to repentance mode when confronted with his secret sin, forgetting about his statue, what his enemies will say and how they will rejoice then there is no body who can repent. Thank God for the blood of HIS son that still cleanses from any kind of sin. We can still go before the cross like the bible advocates,1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
Let the body of Christ not make it hard for these three to repent by taking sides, for that will only harden their heart. be guarded.

Will be seeing you.
Godwin Guobadia, pastor and life coach writes from Amsterdam


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