Galatians 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

    Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Welcome to the month of June, the month of justification. As the lords led us to have a name for each month,  www.thecovenantfamily/calendermonth, it behooves us, therefore, as heirs to know all about the title of that month. Last month was the month of may,' the month of mighty things', but we could not paste it on the site or this blog. I do hope you will forgive my indolence and lack of time for that. I dare not make excuse, but crave your indulgence to forgive me.
Justification is not a word very common with most Christians today. it is not like blessings and binding. rather, this is a word which get most people confuse and yet very important knowledge that explains some of the works that was wroth on the cross when Jesus died on the cross for our sake. This singular act, therefore endear him to God who in the sense is the presiding judge over us, the accuse. it is the act of pardon exercise by a judge by virtue of his position to pardon a condemned sinner. Why, because HE saw something in the condemn sinner that calls on his mercy, for his name is merciful. Matthew 22:11-13 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth . He was not qualify to stand in the presence of the king by his sinful nature or self-righteousness', the wedding garment was a cloak that  would give him that pass. The prophet Isaiah puts it well here, Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
A man was practically living from hand to mouth; begging for crumps, no  dignity left in him. One day, as he out on his usual hustle,  a Rolls-Royce Silver shadow, pulled up about ten feet from him in front of a big commercial building,  and a man dressed with an aristocratic air, stepped out and was gone through a cascading stairs into a revolving door, that led into a banking hall .The beggar neither look at the car nor the man who came  out of it. Not that .his sight could not make out the two object, but he knew those were living in another world with a big wall he can not cross to meet them nor can they come to him. He does not go near such things and objects for they were too high for him .So in this instance he was focus on the next person coming down the street, hoping he will give him a raise of some coins. or a cigarette. He seized  him afar off, he always see his potential benefactor this way so that he can compose himself and know the line to use in asking for favor. This one was on a  white shirt with a paisley colored tie and a black wool trousers with a pair of oxford shoes to match. As he stroll down. with a measured steps he approached. he was too fast in his steps it startled the man[ why not in these day of pickpockets and pilferers]. At the same time the Aristocrat came out with the revolving door effortlessly like the door knew who he was. The man with the paisley tie being so startled  scowled and  barked with  a hard voice and instantly jumped back Like a recording camera the man emerging from the building saw it all. he strolled towards the two party as if by  an appointment  .The one glaring at the other who was  looking distraught and remorseful. His steps were now deliberate as he drew near the offended party he gave an apologetic grime to him and as the man turn to walk away he looked at the other man with a smile and a reassuring grin he reached inside his coat pocket and a well manicured hands produced a complimentary card with gold letters. He gave it to a shaking hand and said, show the card to the man at the gate, no questions will be asked . Tomorrow , 8 o'clock breakfast time.
So it was this beggar got a job beyond his imagination could conceive. he had a whole boy's quarter to himself, taught to drive, and could draw from an expense account, no question asked. But he connived with a hoodlum and within a space of three years has stolen, forged and sold properties belonging to his master. The expense account with three million was literally depleted to red.  He was brought before the judge, found guilty, and before the sentencing, the Aristocrat showed up and said, " I forgive him",. He is reinstated and restored. Despite  all his atrocities,   I consider him JUSTIFIED.
 The story you just read is what justification can do. we are guilty, not worthy to be called sons of God, our works could not pass God's standard of righteousness. But God says he has not only forgiven us but we have been justified. the bible puts it in three steps leading to this . In a beautiful climax we are told the Christians were known by God aforetime, called to be part of the ecclesia no matter what they must have done because he called them he JUSTIFIED them all and then they are glorified. See  Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Therefore, no matter what you must have done before now you are justified by him because he called you , he knew you and you being a Christian is not an accident but a grand design and working of the most high God! Maybe before you answered this called you have been wayward , but now all is forgiven and no remembrance of that! what a good news for the called. And you are called! You are called through the word you hear from that preacher, you are called by HIS spirit. that is why you can be rest assured. How can you be glorified? As you endure trials this month, as you endure persecution , as you refuse to retaliate in the face of discrimination and outright racism in your place of work, Do not lament your troubles to man ,but rejoice in his assurances of his word. If he says, it will soon be over take it so. You maybe poor and needy, but you are rich indeed. You maybe going through trials, but you are already victorious through faith in his word. You maybe downcast, but there is a lifting for you through his grace. Amen.
As you enter this new month may HIS face keep you in all your ways. light a lamp in the path you thread and bring you into his will in all things for therein lies our peace and blessings.

Will be seeing you.


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