3 John 1:9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
 King James version, The Bible.

Come to think of it why the hell, [sorry] is our pastor not doing secular job? Was saint Paul not a tent maker at one time? After all, he is educationally qualified and has a good connection to land a well-paying job .Watch reactions and see those who agree with you. if it back fires retreat and call it just speaking your thoughts aloud. I bet you, no matter the outcome ,you have quietly sown the seed. All you have to wait is for it germinate in the hearts of ' the poor in Spirit'. It will only take time for it to spread like a wide fire. Indeed, why is pastor not into secular job?  It all starts from that subtle words sow in the heart , but like thoughts. Proverbs 4:23 says, '  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life'.


There are obvious ways to  stir up confusion and assume preeminence in the body of Christ, THE ECCLESIAL, 'THE CHURCH',. There are ways to do this without appearing too obvious in the glare of the poor parishioners in the year 2021. Below are some firecrackers.
The birth day of Jesus Christ, Tithing. Easter celebration and a host of others.
 Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. Now, you have to catch somebody red handed to really establish  the case for divorce in this passage. And only  few have such evidence. They, this school of thought, say there is no reason good enough for a Christan to divorce some one you once regard as the flesh of your flesh and the bone of your bones. They say no matter, what you get in this marital journey good or bad it has become your cross to carry. They say the rate of divorce among Christians is becoming alarming and the body of Christ is already boosting quite a number of divorced pastors. They fear this has  made a mess of God's ordain institution. Even though, Christ, limited the case for divorce to the sin of Adultery ,  they say no reason is good enough to separate if you really love your wife, but those who have tested the bitter fruit of separation  vehemently defend themselves giving many reasons why divorce can be sought in a marital union.  From irreconcilable differences to outright disrespect and emotional abuse  some even say, their life was in danger if they had remained in the marriage. A beloved friend even went further, saying, one of his leg was already in the grave with the other about to follow; it was divorce that lifted the one from the grave. Thanks to his Pastors who makes room for divorce. Now he has found his feet again, and he is vibrant and happy again. All pastors that have experience this will find a way to support while those who have not will stand by 'till death do us part'. These one, too have tales of the havoc divorce has unleashed on the offspring, of the  union. Ranging from Native doctors, witch doctors and ill luck playing it's role in the aftermath If we do not grow any more in a relationship, if we are stagnating and slowly dying should we indeed, remain in it? If you throw this on the open i bet you will be on your way to the top . You do not see any reason why the church you attend still frown at divorce when many famous clergy men are divorcees and some have even remarried.
So you do not know how to stir controversy in the church community?. well, let me brief you. First of all, find a platform like a radio anchor . Remember Daddy freeze ? You need such a platform to throw in the spanner. ',Tithing in the church is a rip off, for there is no where in the new testament we are asked to do that'. Never mind. there is a different between the letter and the spirit. That the setting may be different but the blessings  remains.I bet you- the platform will give your voice a large audience, even if there are opposing views who the hell cares about them? When Matt Lauer  was at NBC raking in 20 millions a year as an anchor man for TODAY SHOW no one knew his excesses and escapades. He appeared untouchable until the lid came off .It was  reported that it was a pattern that went on for long until the day of reckoning came, he was consequently disgraced and booted out. Ifedayo[Daddy Freeze of Nigeria] Is seems to be riding high despite some obvious  hypocrisy in his belt . He condemned Pentecostals for  tithing their members; contenting it was an old testament law, yet he does not see anything wrong with kicking out his wife despite the conspicuous biblical not to do unless on the bases of fornication . Come out heavily on them and thunder with sanctimonious holiness and spiritual indignation, accuse them of wastefulness and overindulgence in luxury, at the expense of the impoverished  church members while all the time you remain the embodiment of luxury goods;  wristwatches costing tens of thousands of dollars, still boasting you are looking forward to get one for a cool eighty thousands dollars. Talk about luxury and expensive hobby! Church goers who frequent popular churches to  report  to you and sell   news laced with half truth and  your sympathizers will go over the roof. That will no doubt,  increase your rating . But, Why not remove the log in your eyes so that you may see clearly to remove your neighbor's? While you watch the turmoil in the church , you get the attention and can even start a movement to fight church fraud.
Another way, to shoot the peace in the church in 2018 is to bring up again the controversy surrounding CHRISTMAS. why celebrate Christmas? Then Christ was not born in December. Never mind that it is a known fact that he was not born in December, for even the dullard knows it will be unusual for a shepherd to keep their flock outside during winter. We all know the date was chosen by the then powerful Roman Catholic church, the only face of Christianity then. Their decision was since the exact date was not given, they felt they may as well chose one close to the date of celebrating the sun festival. What was the reason behind this? The church wanted to overrun the popular pagan festival that was usually held at that time with the introduction of CHRISTMAS DAY. Did they succeed? you can answer that yourself. Thank God, for if the then powerful Roman Catholic church,  had chosen to council the long held Sun festival in those days, it could  have met with a strong opposition. Such move for the church would have created discontent among the people who were already use to a long standing tradition. I presently resides in the Netherlands. Here, Santa Claus,was always accompanied by his servant, called zwarte piet,[ Zwart in Netherlands is black and Piet is called peter] but this pit was colored in full black as the tradition goes, but, now, some are rising against this long held tradition,  calling it racism, but some folks are   resisting it because it is a long standing joyous practice without an iota of racism.It is going to be one long hell of s fight. You can not come out from the blues, wave your hands nd think you can change a long standing event, We all know  changing a long standing tradition is no easy feat, but like i said, throw it into the open and you will be causing a big stirring in the church. The tide will rise :Many  will commend you and many will not know what to believe anymore. The commercial guys will come down on you, but you have done what you wish.
Another area is to talk about Alcohol. well, many of the popular Pentecostal churches do not believe you should drink at all: in your anchor throw it up and accuse the popular pastors of misinterpreting the bible. Tell them wine was served during some of the meeting of Jesus. Tell them Noah was even drunk. Tell them that the bible's injunction is pop and plain.Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
 Never mind strong wine nor being filled with the Spirit injunction for both can not go together. indeed, a guy like me takes a full content of beer and the result is disaster. I remember my brother in the lord, Pastor Chris Okotie, before he got born again as a christian, got to a state where he was no longer intoxicated by strong drink. If you choose that path ,pray, you live to tell the story.
 Let me revisit the issue of  TITHING, which has been over flogged by MR. Ifedayo. One thing we must all remember,  is your intention for giving. if i give because i believe in giving i will be blessed nothing on earth nor force or darkness that can stop my expectation from coming to pass, for there is always a reward for any giving we make.
Another sure-fire if you have the means. I mean, MONEY. Start attending a big church; attract attention through large donations, curry the pastor's favor by buying him a car, preferably a jeep if you are a Nigerian. Sponsor his birthday then later, like the above biblical passage, having preeminence by opposing and antagonizing him.3 John 1:9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. It is an old trick if you want to divide the church and start one of your own. Poor pastor, he was too quick to praise you as God sent to his church. He once praised you from the alter! how can he now condemn you from the alter? Members have acknowledged your generosity, your giving to the church and to individual,  you have single-handedly  fund the youth association rally . These laurels will ultimately put you in an influential position; you can influence them, Money talks You have become the second Diotrephes, but poverty and lack among members will not allow them to see you for what you are. You are the next 'Daddy Freeze' in the making. May God deliver us, his people ,from such grip.
 Be seeing you,

Godwin Guobadia writes from The Netherlands.


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