The phrase ,'SOLID GROUND' stuck as his second name, because it was on Valentine's day he got it. When our friend passed the love letter to us for approval little did he know he was going to get a second name given to him by Christopher. The four of us grew up in the same neighborhood, attended the same church and did almost everything alike. loved the same fashion statements, loved the same kind of Music and practiced same kind of Faith. We were serious Christians and had been brought up strictly to avoid fornication and other sinful acts- no petting nor necking but hardly did any Bible study pass without the mention of fornication as a sin. We stood very far from that SIN, But we all cherished a loving relationship with some one of our choice and always looked forward to the time of dating, courtship and finally the wedding bells. True,The church often organised MARRIAGE seminars, but dating was often skipped and we are told to be full grown men often, called ,' born-again -men- working',[BMW] before thinking of marriage. Yes, it worked for us for there was no one who had children outside wedlock, no scandals . But we never had experienced of how to deal with women in general and especially, when they start throwing tantrums. Remember, dealing with your blood sisters is quite different from your 'amour.' We often found it difficult relating to sisters, or setting side by side in the church. It was therefore,a wonderful daydream to have, regarding courtship and we would often talked about the lucky sister we shall fall in love with and how our marital homes will be so blessed. As we entered our mid twenties, we up the ante. we can surely start dating now., we reason among ourselves, it does not matter as long as we avoid fornication. We never mentioned girlfriend or boyfriend, We never had any. Any thought of relationship is thought of marriage . No play mate .We address to one another as brother or sister. There was no better time to fantasize about love than on Valentine's day, February 14th. Brother Christopher took the letter and as he read only to focused on the phrase, ' Sister, i hope with this coming val, we shall build this relationship on a more solid ground'. Solid ground?, he queried. We all read the letter and instead of him getting the approval and encouragement he so needed, all he were the jeers and guffaws, about the phrase, solid ground. Isaac, our friend,never was able to summon up the courage to handover the letter to this specially beloved sister. He was the boldest among us. Who dared to go far?
Our church,never taught us about Valentine's day nor encouraged it. The best we heard from the youth leader , Bro, Joshua, was that it was a Catholic thing and many had fallen into Fornication through celebrating it. He rounded up by saying flee all appearances of evil. Although,we as youths listened guiltily to love songs, we had favorite sisters in the group, too. We talked about them when we are home not backbiting, though just how nice there are and are committed to the things of God
Truth be told ,the celebration of this day was not an all Christians participation. We of the Pentecostals do not practice it. We do believe it a Catholic dogma, but today it is more celebrated by all irrespective of your faith or Denomination and i dare say this good. Anything that would put the spark back into our matrimony ought to be welcome. When people asked me about Easter, Valentine and Christmas celebrations i often quote this Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4;8. The bible tells us in the book of 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. Therefore, i urge all those who believe this to go out of their way and celebrate without inhibitions. Husbands remember your wives, unmarried remember your fiance/fiancee . Just a little gift could bring back old forgotten memories that have been overtaken by the hustle and bustle of life. God is the Originator of marriage union and i am sure anything to keep it going well is what He desires for us.
Love is of God,and we must not be barred by dogmas and church doctrines from loving. When we show love we show part of the nature of God in our being . 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Happy Valentine, will be seeing you.
Godwin Guobadia writes from The Netherlands.
Our church,never taught us about Valentine's day nor encouraged it. The best we heard from the youth leader , Bro, Joshua, was that it was a Catholic thing and many had fallen into Fornication through celebrating it. He rounded up by saying flee all appearances of evil. Although,we as youths listened guiltily to love songs, we had favorite sisters in the group, too. We talked about them when we are home not backbiting, though just how nice there are and are committed to the things of God
Truth be told ,the celebration of this day was not an all Christians participation. We of the Pentecostals do not practice it. We do believe it a Catholic dogma, but today it is more celebrated by all irrespective of your faith or Denomination and i dare say this good. Anything that would put the spark back into our matrimony ought to be welcome. When people asked me about Easter, Valentine and Christmas celebrations i often quote this Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4;8. The bible tells us in the book of 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. Therefore, i urge all those who believe this to go out of their way and celebrate without inhibitions. Husbands remember your wives, unmarried remember your fiance/fiancee . Just a little gift could bring back old forgotten memories that have been overtaken by the hustle and bustle of life. God is the Originator of marriage union and i am sure anything to keep it going well is what He desires for us.
Love is of God,and we must not be barred by dogmas and church doctrines from loving. When we show love we show part of the nature of God in our being . 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Happy Valentine, will be seeing you.
Godwin Guobadia writes from The Netherlands.