From the onset, it should be made conspicuosly clear that prayer and fasting is not a magic wand that give you wharever you need from God. Indeed, fasting does not change God, but you . it places you in a palce to hear, receive aand see. It is not the solution when overappied you become a Spiritualist. Obideince still remains the way to God's manifold blessings and Jesus still remains the door to Heaven. A life of  obideince and right living can get you what no other power can ever do. It spares us from running from pillar to post. Why then do we need to apply fasting? here are some reasons.
Most times we rave and rant because others seems to wallow and delight in what we or the society
perceive as a vice; He smokes like a chimney all the time, he goes on a drinking binge when he gets his pay, only to go begging  or borrowing two weeks later. The thing about it is that how many of us can change on our own volition? It is indeed, difficult to change ourselves let alone change others. Spiritually speaking, habit formed, induce a spiritual power that controls it beyond our own effort. when we are confronted with such dismal situation we must go spiritual; not all therapy really works because there is a spirit that controls us as we continualy indulge in our pleasure.
Another reasom why we may fast is that men can read yor star. some are indeed, born great and it takes the men with a 'third eye", to see this.even when you can not see it yourself. In the book of the bible, mathew 2:2, we read, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in t Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in  the east, and are come to worship him. Today, we still have such men who can see what you are destined to be and they abound in the your village, ion your state, in your cities and your country. These guys can disrupt your destiny , make you a pauper and a begger; they have the power, but with prayer and fasting you can counter thier attack. Men  , relatives can shoot your ambition and desires to outerspace, making you look like simply drifting through life even though you are gifted and have your space to oocupy, see Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. Another hammer on our worthy lives is our family background. families have peculiar challenges and internal problems. somre are terminal sickness, untimely death, some are known for abject poverty and sufferings while some are under generational curses; there is hardly anything one can do if you fall under this category without prayer and fasting. jesus said this KIND, not all, but this KING does not go out except through prayer and fasting seeMatthew 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting equally have health benefit, too. Prayer and fasting can change a situation of shame to that of glorry. Beersheba caught in Adultery became the mother of the future king Solomon, while Micah born into royalty and married royalty died unsung. Does your situation requres prayer and fasting?

will be seeing you

Godwin Guobadia write from Amsredam, pastor  and lifecoach.


Fatai said…
In Islam, fasting is to withhold you from those acts that have become habitual but which do not augur for your spirituality. however, fasting becomes negated when afterwards we revert to those acts we deliberate to forsake. In another light, that you abstain from what holds body together (food and water) but opt for the unseen that strengthens the soul, implies fasting is indeed the food of life. Its reward is determined by God alone in spite of the purposes we set out to fast.

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