Your God assigned duty to another christian.

       Ephesians 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

Those who wants to have enemies and detractors do not have to look far; go to a church. There is nothing that we need to make our Christian work workable for us that God has not provided, but the question is how many will want to sincerely follow it. The children of Israel are not too far fetch if we want to compare the christians of today with any generation of those who profess to know God. If you and i weant to admit it, any christian failed marriage has an element of self centredness involve. Yet the marrraige covenant speaks of both parties forgeting about thier slef and Paul went futher to say in the book of  Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; It is tough for one to stand a bullet for his wife, if i do i will not be aorund to enjoy and revel in the love i have for her; this is humanly impossible and not many men like myself can go that far. Me thinks what paul means here is a selfless service and attention that do not put self into consideration. come to think of it if body gaurd can stand a bullet to defend thier boss then why not a husband? God help me! I am of the opinion that only this selfless service as advocated by the Apostle Paul is enough to keep our marriage going, but my point here is that how many of us obey The bible and see it as the infallible word of God? nowonder marriage counsellors are on the rise.
Now, to the subject at hand is why are there so many scrupples and scism in the church? why so many intolerance in the church?
  1 Corinthians 3:3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? Many are in the church, but have not put away things of the world. in the church today the above mentioned vices are all too common. Even an ordinary testimony can elicite envy from your brethren.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. It is very clear if you go futher that what Jesus meant here is not to be born again like being conceived a second time, but having our lives turn around and ready to obey the world of God which invariable makes us see things and do things from the the right perspective. the bible .
 Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Our wisdom, our insight, our ways of doing things and our phylosophy if we have one all must be emptied as we come to God All worldy smartness, cunny lies to get our ways and others knowledge must be dealt with and oiur minds must become filled with the knowledgeof God. We must carry out our dutied to one another which i will point out here:

  1. Love one another as stated in the book of John13:3.
  2. Look after each other welfare as stated in the book of 1corinthians10:24
  3. Do not judge each other in the book of james4:12.
  4. Beof one mind, this is a command. philippians1:27.
  5. Serve one another. john13:14.
  6. Prefer each other Romans12:10
  7. Admonish each other Romans15:14
  8. Greet each other with warmth Romans16:16.
  9. Carry each other burden Galaltians6:2
  10. Submit to each other Ephisians5:21.
  11. Do not gossip one another james4:11
  12. Speak the truth one to another Ephisians4:11.
  13. Do not bear grudges against one another james5:16
  14. Confess your fault one to another james5:16.
  15. Be at peace with one another.
  16. Be hospitable 1peter4:9
  17. Forbear and have patience in all things Ephisians4:2-4
  18. Be kind one to another ephisians4:32
Men and brethren if you and i obey just a fraction of the above church fellowship will never experience one fracas. How do you schore rate yourseld today and go do your part, others will give what you give them. Be an example of the beleiver today.

Godwin Guobadia is a pastor and lifecoach, he lives in Amsterdam


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