Psalms 3:4 I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.

It was in the letter and spirit of the above passage that sister sweet and bro, Kayode found themselves till of recent.  Their cry was only for a moment and many critics may have seen as very very long and may never come with an answer. Many thought  alternatives exist and there should be no waiting as time was never on human side. Their case was when you do not give ears to the Devil he can not whisper his message of deceit into your ears .But God in His glorious ways prove again that with him time always stand still until He accomplish what he has promised in his word if only we take it, allow it to sink into our spirit man, live by it and rejoice like it has already come to pass.2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

There comes a time the faith of an individual christian is pitched against the will or advise of the experts. whom would you believe? What God says or man? It is so easy to say God when you are in a spiritual environment like a church, but the story could be different if you are surrounded by men saying the same thing and telling you what the outcome will be if you do not heed their advice; all the time smiling, all the time egging you on and encouraging you to go their way , yet there is something inside of you that tells you  that the God of all flesh can see you through for there is nothing too hard for him to do.  confronted with such a scene many of us we want to cave in to the advice of the experts, we tend to reason they are there to help us, after all their knowledge comes from God, too. You reason they have help a lot of people in your situation so they know best, but do they when God is in the picture? The bible tells us in Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. But how can these things be? how can one run and not weary? By no physical law is this possible ir must a spiritual law and as children of God we operate in the spirit when face with difficult and gargantuan problems.  Our sister sweet and Kolade have been married for  8 good years all was good, but one they they seem to lack blessing of the womb, but they stood on His word ; they felt like moving to another ground, they were pressured to switch church,   some even told them of sharp prophet who can speak into their lives for babies, but they made their own decision to remain still, serve him faithfully in they local church. brother Kolade even refused to work on wednesdays just so as to serve well in his local church. Tell me why God will not appear in their situation?

There is always a waiting time for God to move in our situation and his time never comes late, and when it came for sweet and kayode they felt like it was a dream. Let us encourage ourselves always in the lord when the going gets tough as it often will. May God give us the grace to be calm, cool and collected in the face of lingering challenges we face in life. Let us refrain from jumping from pillar to post. God is right there in your church even if you are the only one found to be faithful and obedient

May the visitation of the lord to your family reverberates through all nooks and crannies of your environs, may it use you as a testimony of What he has done lately, pay the price! by remaining steadfast,thrusting his infallible words against others. Too much faith nevers kills a man indeed, it gives life!
2 Samuel 22:27 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury.

Be Seeing you,

Pastor Godwin Guobadia writes from Amsterdam.


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