N.E.W. Y.E.A.R

 If you miss the podcast, here is the writeup.

N never you look back at the failures, setback of the previous year, you can not be in the past and the present; that is why you do not have eyes on the back of your head. Ahead, forward looking, no-matter what, is the way to win the game of life.

E energies for the now. You are in the present; how you handle it will determine your tomorrow. Stop daydreaming and wild goose-chase.

W winning mentality is a must if you want to leave the rut. Have the mindset, walk it and see it before you.

Y yield, here comes your spirituality. , you can not do without reliance on the leading of the Holy spirit. The more you yield, the more you He leads you in the way of peace of mind with contentment without resorting to strife or competing with anyone..

E exercise your body regularly. A fit body is a must if you must go far with your plans. A sick body can not guarantee a tomorrow like a fit one. You do not have to be muscular, but just strain every fibre to strengthen them.

A avoid a situation that can put your plans and plots in a spin. Do not get into a situation that can put you in a loop without a way out for a long time.

R revisit,reseve and renew. Look back at how well yo are working your plans and how well it works out. Reserve your virtues. Do not spend all energy, or strength or finance on any project. Renew your strength by taking time off before the year runs out. Go on vacation. It helps a lot, learn to appreciate your God in your secret place, meditate.


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